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Tips on taking notes for exams


IT’S the last lecture and you realise you’ve been listening and reading and thinking but you know you’re nowhere near ready to face exams.

Now it’s time to hit the books and go into revision mode. Here are some methods that make cramming easier.

– Go through everything and make a list of topic headings

Think big picture: usually there’s six or seven big topics per semester.

– Go through lecture notes

Divide them up into those big topics.

– Go through your textbook

Make a list of pages that match your big topics.

– Read the book pages that are relevant

Read the lecture notes. Do this in block mode. Now you have a great overview.

– Highlight the key phrases in the lecture notes

You should only mark about 10 to 20% of the total text. Each highlighte­d item should spark a memory that brings back the info surroundin­g that key phrase.

– Go through the book and take notes

Tip: if you write these by hand, it will boost short term memory into long term memory. However, if you have messy handwritin­g, type

– Lay informatio­n out neatly For the key terms: highlight if you’re writing and bold them if you’re typing. Print any typed notes.

See how much revision time you have, and make a schedule for reading through your notes.

Aim to read them at least three to five times a day. Discard pages once you’ve mastered them.

Good luck with your exams!

 ??  ?? up your notes instead. Your notes will form a visual memory too, so the aim is to be neat.
up your notes instead. Your notes will form a visual memory too, so the aim is to be neat.

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