The Star Malaysia - Star2

A well-rounded experience


BEFORE Malaysia’s independen­ce in 1957, the education system had been improvised many times to ensure its relevance in nation building.

When mathematic­s and science reverted to be taught in the national language, there was much debate on the direction, taking into considerat­ion the importance of English as the language of scientific knowledge, as well as for business and commerce.

However, with the implementa­tion of the Dual Language Programme (DLP), schools could opt to teach mathematic­s and science in English.

Sri Bestari Private School decided to address the increasing elements of Higher Order Thinking Skills or HOTS, by examining where the teaching of scientific principles have adopted an inquiry-based approach.

Called the Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE), it takes after the teaching of science at the La main a la pate in France, under the auspices of Academy of Science Malaysia and the Internatio­nal Science, Technology and Innovation Centre for SouthSouth Cooperatio­n.

The results have been remarkable, with 100% passes for science at UPSR and 25% of students securing a Grade A.

This augurs well for the whole IBSE initiative at the school, leading to investment­s in teaching and learning science, with the setting up of an outdoor science area and an ECO Learning Centre.

Students get to explore science in an outdoor real-life situation where mother nature becomes the actual basis of acquiring scientific knowledge.

Sri Bestari Private School teaches mathematic­s and science in English and students have the opportunit­y to attempt the New South Wales Examinatio­n, the Cambridge Checkpoint Exams and the Internatio­nal General Certificat­ion of Secondary Education, on top of UPSR, PT3 and SPM.

In line with the purported next industrial revolution in Industry 4.0, efforts have been put in place to roll out a programme that exposes students to artificial intelligen­ce, robotics, machine learning, big data, algorithms and analytics, which will dominate the occupation­al landscape for the next generation.

Education has to embrace this new future by making tough decisions to innovate and reinvent itself.

■ For details, visit Sri Bestari Private School’s Info Day on Aug 11, 9am-1pm. RSVP for the 10am preview by calling 03-6275 5888.

 ??  ?? Sri Bestari Private School addresses the Higher Order Thinking Skills by adopting an inquiry-based approach, called the Inquiry-Based Science Education.
Sri Bestari Private School addresses the Higher Order Thinking Skills by adopting an inquiry-based approach, called the Inquiry-Based Science Education.

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