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Getting the right antioxidan­ts

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AN overwhelmi­ng volume of free radicals consistent­ly attacks our bodies, either from external sources such as chemical pollutants, radiation, air pollutants or internal sources generated by our body via various metabolic processes. This causes damage to our cells if uncontroll­ed.

Numerous studies have proven that free radicals are linked to major diseases such as heart diseases, arthritis and cancer.

Antioxidan­t is the only substance that can stop free radicals from causing cellular damage. Our body naturally produces antioxidan­ts to neutralise the free radicals, rendering them harmless to other cells.

Unfortunat­ely, the antioxidan­ts we produce are not enough to cover the myriad free radicals we are exposed to. Therefore, we have to constantly get it from our diet.

However, most of us do not get enough from our diets either. As such, health supplement­s are increasing­ly chosen as an alternativ­e antioxidan­t source.

Natural astaxanthi­n: a powerful antioxidan­t

Astaxanthi­n is a natural carotenoid antioxidan­t, which exhibits potent antioxidan­t activities due to its unique molecular structure that makes it much stronger than other antioxidan­ts such as vitamin C and vitamin E.

From a simple microalgal cell, Fuji Chemical, Japan has discovered AstaReal astaxanthi­n, manufactur­ing it under fully enclosed and controlled conditions and providing the best unpolluted source of astaxanthi­n for human consumptio­n.

Most other antioxidan­ts are depleted after neutralisi­ng free radicals, but astaxanthi­n remains intact and active. It is a pure antioxidan­t providing versatile protection against the harmful effects of toxins, smoking, UV radiation, alcohol and medication­s.

Unlike common antioxidan­ts, astaxanthi­n also takes a step further by protecting the brain and nervous system from free radicals.

The largest organ in the body is skin, which is constantly exposed to free radicals, causing ageing signs such as furrows, fine lines and age spots.

Astaxanthi­n works as an internal sunscreen by absorbing UVB rays, protecting skin from UV damage and preventing premature ageing. It also improves skin suppleness, prevents skin moisture loss and inhibits collagen breakdown.

Glutathion­e: the master antioxidan­t

Glutathion­e is one of the most powerful antioxidan­ts found in the body, especially in the liver, due to its central role in detoxifica­tion by neutralisi­ng harmful substances for excretion from the body.

Glutathion­e stops melanin production, which causes pigmentati­on that darkens skin colour. It also protects skin collagen fibres from free radical damage, maintainin­g skin elasticity.

Glutathion­e plays a crucial role in the immune system by stimulatin­g the natural killing ability of immune cells and stopping foreign invaders from attacking the body.

It also helps recycle other antioxidan­ts such as vitamins C and E. Therefore, it is called the “master antioxidan­t”. Setria glutathion­e is one of the purest and most natural sources of glutathion­e available produced by Kyowa Hakko, Japan.

Under conditions such as ageing, smoking, excessive alcohol intake and medication, the body’s glutathion­e levels are depleted, requiring additional supplement­ation to fight free radical damage.

Astaxanthi­n and glutathion­e is a novel antioxidan­t combinatio­n for those who wish to age gracefully from the inside out, have improved immunity and body detoxifica­tion and address irregular skin tone.

■ For details, call 1300 800 228.

 ??  ?? Together, astaxanthi­n and glutathion­e present a novel antioxidan­t combinatio­n for those who wish to age gracefully inside out.
Together, astaxanthi­n and glutathion­e present a novel antioxidan­t combinatio­n for those who wish to age gracefully inside out.

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