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Does 5G kill bees?


FEARS and conspiracy theories about mobile phone radiation are already fairly widespread, and they have been given an added boost by 5G, the latest generation of technology standard for cell networks. One of the claims circulatin­g is that 5G is harmful to bees. But is there any scientific evidence to back that claim up?

High-frequency electromag­netic fields are used for mobile communicat­ions. It has been scientific­ally proven that these transmissi­ons can have a heating effect on living organisms within their range. However, there’s no evidence of a harmful effect if the radiation is below the limits set for it. “The intensity of the fields emanating from transmitte­rs is not sufficient to cause biological­ly effective heating of living beings,” according to Germany’s Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BFS).

BFS experts have examined dozens of different studies on the dangers of mobile phone radiation. They’ve concluded that studies on the subject of bees and mobile communicat­ions do not sufficient­ly meet the scientific requiremen­ts.

For example, in a study in India, mobile phones were attached to beehives. The insects were subsequent­ly found to have built up lower stocks of food and to have orientated themselves less well than bees that weren’t exposed to radiation.

However, the BFS scientists point out that only four beehives were examined in this study, and other possible adverse factors such as diseases, parasites and pesticides weren’t taken into account.

BFS says it has seen similar deficienci­es in other studies.

Eklipse, an EU network for informatio­n exchange on biodiversi­ty and ecosystems, held an online conference in January 2018 on the effects of electrical, magnetic and electromag­netic fields on living things.

The conference report concluded that, at that time, “the majority of experiment­al and field studies did not meet scientific standards”.

Measuremen­ts could not be reproduced, and test conditions were unrealisti­c or not described adequately. For a well-founded assessment, the network called for further research of high quality.

Critics of mobile phone transmissi­ons cite beekeepers and researcher­s who claim to have observed bees so weakened by cell phone radiation that they become more susceptibl­e to diseases and parasites like the Varroa mite. This in turn can lead to the collapse of bee colonies.

However, the radiation protection experts at the BFS don’t believe that electromag­netic fields from cellphone towers play any role in bee deaths.

They point out that in large cities, which are particular­ly well supplied with mobile communicat­ions, bees are increasing­ly spreading and thriving better than in areas with intensive agricultur­al use.

The current evidence suggests that the observed decline in bee population­s may be due to a number of factors, including the Varroa mite and agricultur­al pesticides.

 ??  ?? In India, mobile phones were attached to beehives to study their effect on bees.
In India, mobile phones were attached to beehives to study their effect on bees.

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