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US mid-term elections: Is gridlock good?


THE US mid-terms have, as expected, seen the Democrats take the House with the Republican­s holding the Senate.

Schroder’s investment experts consider the implicatio­ns for fiscal policy, trade, and the 2020 presidenti­al election.

Further tax cuts unlikely but will Trump strike a deal on trade?

Schroders chief economist Keith Wade says: “The mid-term elections restored some faith in opinion polls with the Democrats taking the House of Representa­tives and the Republican­s holding the Senate. Convention­al wisdom has it that a gridlocked Congress is good for markets as it prevents politician­s from interferin­g in the economy. However, US markets have received a considerab­le boost from the president’s tax cuts and deregulati­on measures.

“Going forward, gridlock means less fiscal support for the economy as Democrats are unlikely to back further tax cuts. This could create a problem for US growth in 2020 when the existing package fades and is not replaced by further measures.

“It is possible that the president and the Democrats could strike a deal on infrastruc­ture spending, but they may hesitate to take measures that could help get Trump re-elected as president,”

Wade says that faced with a potential block on fiscal policy, the president may turn to trade policy and look to strike a deal with China and so prevent a further damaging escalation in the trade war.

“From an economic perspectiv­e, that would be the logical step. However, Trump will have to weigh up whether the economic costs outweigh the political benefits of playing to his base support – many of whom see tariffs as an essential part of putting America first,” Wade sums up.

Future policy will require bipartisan support

Schroders Multi Regional Equity, portfolio, Frank Thormann says: “Two important implicatio­ns from this election will be stronger presidenti­al oversight and increased political gridlock. Democrats now have a much larger ability to put a check on the president’s power and have promised to intensify investigat­ions into allegation­s such as the Russian 2016 election interferen­ce,”

Thus, because both houses are required to pass legislatio­n, future policy will require much greater bipartisan support, which is a dramatic change from the past two years and is likely to materially alter the remainder of the Trump presidency.

One immediate impact of this is a lower likelihood of further fiscal stimulus.” says Thormann.

Larger Republican Senate majority is significan­t

Schroders US Small Cap Product Managers Head of Equities Management Frederick Schaefer says: “In a rebuke rather than a rejection of the president, US voters have elected a divided Congress. The Democrats gained control of the House of Representa­tives after eight years as the minority party.

“In the House, a number of Republican moderates lost or chose not to stand for re-election. This means the Republican House caucus will become more conservati­ve and more Trump-like. The new House Democratic majority will be more challengin­g to the president on a number of issues. Consider the possibilit­y of a House committee issuing a subpoena for him to release his tax returns,” says Schaefer.

He says that on the Republican side, the larger Senate majority is a significan­t accomplish­ment. Additional­ly, Republican gubernator­ial candidates fared well, winning races in key states such as Ohio and Florida.

As the US approaches the 2020 elections, these two states are significan­t prizes in presidenti­al elections.

“In an interview on the eve of the election, Mr Trump conceded that maybe he should have toned down his rhetoric during his first two years. Perhaps this may presage a less bellicose president and less contentiou­s Washington. But don’t count on it.” says Schaefer.

Gridlock means less fiscal support for the economy as Democrats are unlikely to back further tax cuts. This could create a problem for US growth in 2020 when the existing package fades and is not replaced by further measures. Keith Wade

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