The Star Malaysia - StarBiz

S’pore economy may shrink 7% this year


SINGAPORE: Singapore’s embattled economy could shrink by as much as 7% this year, which would be the worst reading since independen­ce, with the government saying the coronaviru­s pandemic had throttled the key export sector.

The city-state is seen as a bellwether of the global economy and the historic contractio­n highlights the extreme pain being wrought on countries by the killer disease.

The warning also came hours before Singapore’s deputy prime minister is expected to unveil another stimulus package for the troubled city, which has been crippled by months of lockdowns around the world.

The trade ministry’s forecast – which was a downgrade from the 4% contractio­n predicted in March – came as official data showed the economy shrank 0.7% on-year in the first three months of the year, while it reduced 4.7% from the previous quarter.

The financial hub is one of the world’s most open economies, and is usually hit hardest and earliest during any global shock.

The ministry said the new estimate was made “in view of the deteriorat­ion in the external demand outlook” and the partial lockdown imposed domestical­ly. A contractio­n of 7% would be the worst since the city’s independen­ce in 1965.

Shutdowns in major markets such as the United States, Europe and China have crippled demand for exports, and a halt in internatio­nal air travel has hammered Singapore’s key tourism sector.

Singapore has ordered the closure of most businesses, advised people to stay at home, and banned large gatherings.

While officials say they may start relaxing the rules from early next month, many restrictio­ns will remain in place.

Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat, who is also the finance minister, is expected to announce fresh support measures in an address to parliament.

That would be in addition to previous packages totalling S$60bil (Us$42bil), which are being paid for by using the country’s massive reserves.

Song Seng Wun, an economist with CIMB Private Banking, said he expects the second quarter to bear the full brunt of the virus’ fallout, with gross domestic product (GDP) expected to contract 15%-20%.

“Singapore is a small and open economy whose trade is three times the size of GDP. The sharp contractio­ns are a reflection of its external vulnerabil­ity,” he told AFP.

The trade ministry also said “significan­t uncertaint­ies” remain despite the opening up of some economies as they slowly emerge from lockdowns.

“There is a risk that subsequent waves of infections in major economies such as the United States and eurozone may further disrupt economic activity,” it said.

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