The Star Malaysia

‘Car-sanova’ in trouble thanks to petrol top-ups

Teen arrested after ‘borrowing’ luxury vehicle and returning it several times


A YOUTH was arrested for repeatedly stealing a luxury car and then returning it the next day with a full tank of petrol each time in Hangzhou, China, Nanyang Siang Pau reported.

A police investigat­ion showed that the 19-year-old stole the car so that he could pose as a rich man to impress women in pubs.

His ruse was discovered when the car owner lodged a police report after he kept finding his car, which was parked in a basement, “magically” topped up with petrol every day from Oct 15 to 17.

A check on the CCTV system revealed that the suspect would come at night to drive away the car and then return it early the next morning.

The youth claimed that he had found the car key, so he decided to drive the vehicle.

He thought the owner would not notice because he owns many cars.

> The daily also reported that a 26-year-old event planner in Chongqing, China, was caught stealing money from his colleague to buy meals because he could not afford them after buying a luxury car.

His colleague, identified only as Chen, found it suspicious that his money always went missing.

He set up a camera and saw that it was his colleague who was stealing the money.

Although the colleague wanted to return all the money he took, Chen decided to lodge a police report.

The man said he did not have enough money for daily expenses after buying the luxury car. He was even staying overnight at Internet cafes or fast food outlets because he could not afford rent.

> China Press reported that a two-year-old girl was killed when a car ran over her while her mother, who was following behind, was busy with her smartphone.

The girl and her mother were out for a walk in Yueyang, China, on Oct 17.

CCTV footage showed that the girl was walking unattended as her mother stared at the device.

The girl walked out in front of a car and the driver, who did not see her in time, knocked her down.

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