The Star Malaysia

A landmark judgment on judicial power

A Federal Court decision earlier this year has restored judicial power of the federation to the judiciary.

- Syahredzan Johan is a partner of a legal firm in Kuala Lumpur with an interest in the laws that shape our country. He can be reached at The views expressed here are entirely the writer’s own.

EARLIER this year, the Federal Court delivered a landmark judgment in the case of Semenyih Jaya Sdn Bhd v Pentadbir Tanah Daerah Hulu Langat.

The Federal Court had to consider issues concerning the constituti­onality of certain provisions in the Land Acquisitio­n Act 1960, the law that governs compulsory acquisitio­n of land.

The crux of the matter is whether Parliament may limit or oust the jurisdicti­on of the courts through federal legislatio­n.

In 1988, Article 121(1) of the Federal Constituti­on was amended to remove the words “the judicial power of the federation shall be vested in two High Courts” from the article, thus deleting the provision that the judicial power of the federation is vested in the judiciary.

Article 121(1) now reads, “the High Courts and inferior courts shall have such jurisdicti­on and powers as may be conferred by or under federal law”.

After the amendment, Article 121(1) has been interprete­d by the courts to mean that the jurisdicti­on of the courts is to be decided by Parliament.

In other words, Parliament could limit or remove the jurisdicti­on of the courts, by way of federal law. Judicial power of the federation is determined by Parliament.

However, in Semenyih Jaya, the Federal Court held that the judicial power of the federation still vests with the judiciary, despite the amendment to Article 121(1) in 1988.

The Federal Court also affirmed the “basic structure doctrine”, which was first introduced to Malaysia in the Federal Court case of Sivarasa Rasiah v Badan Peguam Malaysia & Anor.

The basic structure doctrine originates from India and states that constituti­onal amendments which disturb the basic structure of the Federal Constituti­on would themselves be unconstitu­tional.

The decision in Semenyih Jaya will have widerangin­g implicatio­ns.

Firstly, “ouster clauses” in legislatio­ns that remove the jurisdicti­on of the courts to review certain matters within the law are now open to challenge.

Secondly, provisions in the law that bind judges to the decisions, rulings or directions of nonjudicia­l bodies could also now be challenged.

In Semenyih Jaya, the provision that bound the judge to the assessors’ determinat­ion of compensati­on was found to be unconstitu­tional. Judicial power cannot reside in other bodies.

The role of the judiciary in any country is to interpret the law, review the actions of other State bodies and uphold the fundamenta­l liberties of the people.

The judiciary can only carry out these functions effectivel­y if it is independen­t and free from interferen­ce.

This is why judicial independen­ce, real or perceived, is of the utmost importance. The people must have confidence in the judiciary.

Any attempt to interfere with the independen­ce of the judiciary or to exert influence on it, or any action that gives rise to the perception that the judiciary is subservien­t to the executive, must be opposed and resisted.

In the same vein, the judiciary cannot be the check and balance to the other State bodies if, as stated by the Federal Court in Semenyih Jaya, the Courts are “effectivel­y suborned to Parliament” by circumscri­bing the jurisdicti­on of the courts.

At least in this regard, the judgment in Semenyih Jaya is a welcome affirmatio­n of the role of the judiciary within the Malaysian context.

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