The Star Malaysia

EU swings behind Madrid in escalating Catalan crisis


BRUSSELS: The EU closed ranks behind Spain in the Catalan crisis, saying there was “no space” for outside interventi­on by the bloc as France and Germany voiced strong support for Madrid.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron threw their weight behind Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy in the dramatical­ly escalating standoff over Catalonia’s independen­ce drive at a summit of EU leaders in Brussels.

As the Spanish government vowed to take back powers from the Catalan regional government and its leader warned he could declare independen­ce, EU President Donald Tusk scotched any notion the bloc could step in or mediate.

“We have all of us our own emotions, opinions and assessment­s but formally speaking there is no space for EU interventi­on here,” Tusk told reporters at the summit on Thursday.

Brussels has insisted the dispute over Catalonia’s independen­ce referendum is an internal matter for key EU member Spain, resisting Catalan efforts to internatio­nalise the issue and backing Madrid’s position that the vote was illegal.

“We back the position of the Spanish government,” Merkel, the EU’s most powerful leader, said as she arrived for the summit.

“We hope there are solutions found on the basis of the Spanish constituti­on.”

France has been outspoken in its support of the Madrid government during the crisis, Spain’s worst in decades, triggered by Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont holding a banned referendum on splitting from Spain.

Macron recently charged that the separatist­s were motivated in part by “economic selfishnes­s”. — AFP

 ??  ?? A man holding a pro-independen­ce Catalan flag during a protest in front of the Spanish Government Delegation in Barcelona. — AFP Pride and separation:
A man holding a pro-independen­ce Catalan flag during a protest in front of the Spanish Government Delegation in Barcelona. — AFP Pride and separation:

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