The Star Malaysia

S. Koreans want govt to complete nuclear reactors


SEOUL: South Koreans recommende­d the government continue building two stalled nuclear reactors that the new president had wanted to shutter, after months of deliberati­on on the issue that divided South Korea over the future of its key energy source.

A state commission that surveyed a panel of 471 citizens said a little over half of them still wanted South Korea to rely less on nuclear energy, even after South Korea resumes constructi­ng the unfinished Shin Kori-5 and Shin Kori-6 reactors.

Kim Ji-hyung, head of the commission, said 59.5% of the panel supported resumption while 40.5% voted for discontinu­ation.

President Moon Jae-in made campaign promises to shut down the two reactors in south-eastern Korea but he had vowed to accept the results of the commission’s public survey. Moon’s government still plans to gradually phase out nuclear energy and transition to renewables and natural gas. It has scrapped plans to build additional nuclear power plants and vowed not to extend licences of existing ones.

Nuclear energy provides about a third of energy needs in the resource-poor Asian country and used to be a source of pride. South Korea is one of the few exporters of nuclear technology in the world.

Public trust towards the nuclear industry has eroded, however, since Japan’s Fukushima nuclear meltdowns and the discovery that domestic reactors were built with fake components. A recent earthquake centred near South Korea’s nuclear reactors also caused alarm.

People who want the reactors built worry that halting their constructi­on will increase energy expenses.

The decision to go ahead with the two plants is a temporary boon to the government’s monopoly operator of the nuclear power plants and the nuclear industry.

But the survey results do not reflect overriding trust on the nuclear industry. The panel of citizens recommende­d that even if South Korea resumes constructi­on, it should strengthen safety standards, come up with ways to deal with spent nuclear fuel and root out corruption in the nuclear industry. They also recommende­d the government raise investment in renewable energy. — AP

 ??  ?? opposing the constructi­on of nuclear reactors crying after a state commission announced the public survey result for stalled nuclear reactors in front of the government complex in Seoul. — AP Tears against nukes: People
opposing the constructi­on of nuclear reactors crying after a state commission announced the public survey result for stalled nuclear reactors in front of the government complex in Seoul. — AP Tears against nukes: People

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