The Star Malaysia

Xi wants absolute loyalty from army

Military personnel ordered to pledge their full commitment to president


BEIJING: China’s military has been ordered to pledge absolute loyalty to President Xi Jinping while a paramilita­ry police force now literally sings his praises, further cementing his place as the country’s most powerful leader in decades.

The world’s largest armed forces should be “absolutely loyal, honest and reliable to Xi”, said a new guideline issued by the Central Military Commission and reported by state news agency Xinhua yesterday.

China’s military personnel of around two million is technicall­y the armed force of the ruling Communist Party rather than the state.

The commission’s calls for fidelity to Xi shows the extent to which he has consolidat­ed power since having his eponymous philosophy written into the party constituti­on last month.

Xi’s political philosophy – the Xi Jinping Thought – should also guide the strengthen­ing of the military, Xinhua said of the new guideline in its report.

“The army should follow Xi’s command, answer to his order, and never worry him,” Xinhua quoted the guideline as saying.

For decades China has been governed in an ostensibly collective fashion by the party’s elite Politburo Standing Committee.

But Xi has increasing­ly centralise­d power and looks to be following in the footsteps of revolution­ary leader Mao Zedong.

On Sunday, a song titled Be a good soldier for Chairman Xi was released by the People’s Armed Police, a paramilita­ry force under the Military Commission.

Nearly a half century ago, the army sang Be a good soldier for Chairman Mao. in their efforts to show their loyalty to the leader.

Xi became chairman of the military commission when he came to power in 2012 and last year acquired the new title of commander-in-chief of the joint forces battle command centre.

He has also presided over a corruption crackdown that felled some of the country’s highest-ranking military officers.

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