The Star Malaysia

It’s the festive season – keep it merry and safe


IT IS that time of the year again – 2017 is coming to an end and there is an air of festivity everywhere.

The holiday season is upon us and celebratio­ns are ready to erupt.

The Christmas parties and the New Year revelry will see thousands of people out in the streets, sharing the joy.

But every year, this is also the season of untimely death. The number of people killed in road accidents, sudden illnesses and even violent attacks often increases at this time of the year.

According to a report in The Washington Post, you are more likely to die of natural causes from Dec 25 through New Year’s Day than at any other time of the year. In the joy of the moment, people forget their health, too.

So, even as we are busy celebratin­g, safety and security have to be prioritise­d. Staying vigilant is a must.

On the traffic front, the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) will be working with other agencies to ensure strict enforcemen­t during the holiday period.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri has said that SPAD will be working with the police, Road Transport Department, National Anti-Drug Agency and highway enforcemen­t agencies to monitor the traffic situation from Dec 22 to Jan 2 next year.

As many as 313 traffic-related offences are being targeted. SPAD is also working on ways to reduce congestion at public transport terminals and on the highways.

It’s an establishe­d fact that festive seasons always bring more deaths on Malaysian roads.

Nothing is too important or too urgent that one has to drive like a daredevil, risking one’s life.

A little understand­ing goes a long way and being wary of other motorists can easily prevent mishaps or traffic offences.

While parties are fun and high spirited, one has to be mindful about being sober when on the road.

It’s not just the road. Many at parties tend to get carried away. Rowdy parties also lead to unwanted incidents, including fights and skirmishes.

The holiday period is also a critical time for the police. The threat of a terror attack is always present.

The attempted terror attack at a New York subway station just two days ago is a grim reminder that such violence can occur anywhere.

The Malaysian security forces have always remained vigilant against any threat, be it foreign or domestic.

The police have thwarted numerous terror plots and we know they will remain extra vigilant during this festive season.

Beefing up security at strategic locations such as government buildings, entertainm­ent outlets and embassies is important.

The public, too, can play their part by being alert, especially on items that seem out of place. The cops can do with all the help they can get.

To sum up, cool heads are needed during this festive period. More patience and understand­ing on the road or at parties are needed.

There is nothing wrong with having a good time but it has to be within limits.

The festive season and the coming new year should be celebrated. There should be no cause for mourning.

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