The Star Malaysia

Let incident be wake-up call for all

- DR PETER JOSEPH PEREIRA Subang Indah, Selangor

I REFER to the report “Follow SOP in cases of theft, teachers told” (The Star, Feb 2) and the letter “Teachers must learn SOP for serious discipline cases” (Feb 3).

As a former teacher and after consulting with teachers, PTA members and school administra­tors, I believe that clearer guidelines must be provided for dealing with the various forms of discipline problems. Obviously, there are strict guidelines in the form of directives and circulars but who knows about them?

I recommend the creation of a clear and proper guidebook and giving it to all teachers on their first day of duty.

Too often in recent years, we heard of teachers blatantly breaking the rules when handling disciplina­ry problems. Yet nothing concrete has been done to ensure the proper disseminat­ion to teachers of the ministry’s directives and circulars.

Suggestion­s by teachers recently ranged from “loving kindness” to empowering all of them with the cane, indicating their ignorance of the ministry’s directives and circulars.

The case of M. Vasantha Piriya shows how horribly wrong things can go when a lackadaisi­cal attitude leads to ignorance of the proper protocol when dealing with disciplina­ry problems.

Clearly, the teachers concerned erred by detaining the accused student for almost five hours, which is inhumane.

The husband of the teacher should not even have been allowed into the school. Why wasn’t the matter handled by a trained school counsellor? Was there even one?

We can only hope this incident will serve as a wake-up call.

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