The Star Malaysia

Decision on Pakatan’s ballot logo to be made next week


GEORGE TOWN: Pakatan Harapan will announce the final decision on the coalition’s logo during the presidenti­al council meeting next week, says DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng.

“We will let you know. That will be announced next week. I can only say this much,” he told a press conference at his office yesterday.

Lim was responding to a question on talk that Pakatan candidates will use the PKR logo to contest in the general election.

A source within the Pakatan presidenti­al council said that the announceme­nt might be made after the dissolutio­n of Parliament.

Pakatan Harapan comprises PKR, DAP, Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia and Parti Amanah Negara.

According to the source, DAP’s reservatio­ns over the use of the PKR logo was cited as the only hurdle to achieving a consensus among the opposition partners.

It is understood that several senior DAP leaders prefer to use the Rocket logo.

“They are worried that their supporters won’t be able to recognise PKR’s logo as an opposition symbol,” said the source.

However, it is understood that Pribumi and Amanah are receptive towards the idea of contesting under PKR’s logo.

The source said this is because their logos are not widely recognised.

“PKR has been around for 20 years and people know it’s an opposition party,” said the source.

A source within DAP’s central executive committee said the party is not reluctant to use PKR’s logo, adding that internal consultati­ons must be done first before a decision is reached.

DAP national organising secretary Anthony Loke could not be reached for comment.

PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar said the use of PKR’s logo was among the topics discussed during the Pakatan presidenti­al council meeting.

She said the party was ready to offer the use of its logo as Pakatan should ensure all its candidates had a chance of winning.

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