The Star Malaysia

Time to focus on blue economy

- CHERYL RITA KAUR Head, Centre for Coastal and Marine Environmen­t Maritime Institute of Malaysia

WHAT is “blue economy” and why is it important to us? Do we have a good understand­ing of what constitute­s blue economy? These are questions I usually get when I mention the term in studies and consultati­ons undertaken on the matter.

While the term is not widely used yet in Malaysia, the focus on blue economy has gained enormous momentum at the regional and internatio­nal levels.

There is no single definition of blue economy but I like one provided by the World Ocean Summit in 2015 which described it as a sustainabl­e ocean economy that emerges when economic activity is in balance with the long-term capacity of ocean ecosystems to support the activity and remain resilient and healthy.

An important issue of the blue economy is to understand and better manage the many aspects of coastal and oceanic sustainabi­lity, ranging from sustainabl­e fisheries to ecosystem health to pollution. A second significan­t issue is to realise that the sustainabl­e management of ocean resources requires collaborat­ion among the different stakeholde­rs and across the public-private sectors, and most likely on a scale that has not been previously achieved.

The blue economy concept has essentiall­y evolved from the broader green movements and in a growing awareness of the threats imposed on ocean ecosystems by human activities such as overfishin­g, habitat destructio­n, pollution and the impact of climate change. It is increasing­ly gaining importance as government­s adopt and implement a more sustainabl­e balance between economic growth and maintainin­g ocean health.

In a broader sense, the concept should be able to show the critical role and contributi­on of ocean economic activities and coastal and marine ecosystems to national economies, provide evidence for a region-wide ocean policy and decision-making on related areas, and examine the benefits, costs and impacts at the internatio­nal and local levels. These have created opportunit­ies for industries to transit to more environmen­tally sus- tainable practices and for new and innovative investment­s to be focused into promoting and restoring ocean health.

Malaysia is located in the Indo-Pacific region with its coastlines bordering the Andaman Sea, Straits of Malacca and Singapore, Gulf of Thailand, South China Sea, Sulu Sea and Sulawesi Sea. The coasts and seas are part of the nation’s social, economic, security, cultural and natural parameters, which are interlinke­d and influenced by internal as well as external factors. These sectors are dynamic and continuous­ly changing, providing goods and services and in turn being affected by their utility.

The seas surroundin­g Malaysia contain productive and diverse habitats with the major ecosystem being mangroves, coral reefs and sea grasses, among others. These are productive natural ecosystems that contribute significan­tly to human, food, economic and environmen­tal security.

Malaysians benefit from the coastal and marine areas in various ways. The local com- munities are dependent upon healthy ecosystems and habitats which supply many species of plants, animals and microorgan­isms that provide food, medicines and other products for use on a daily basis. This, in part, explains why the Government has become a party to several multilater­al environmen­tal agreements such as the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Various studies focusing on the valuation of ecosystem services have been conducted to justify the interest in biodiversi­ty protection on economic grounds. For instance, total economic valuation studies have been carried out in the major national marine protected areas, with the values recorded to be between RM39.6mil and RM3.6bil. The total value of ecosystem services for the country is projected to be about US$17.7bil.

The contributi­on of the ocean economy to the country’s GDP was valued at 23% in 2015 alone, with about 4% of the total employment share in the ocean sectors. Just a decade ago, the same was reported to be only about 13% of the country’s GDP.

The blue economy concept also focuses on developmen­t of the existing ocean sectors to further generate employment, promote entreprene­urship in new areas of economic activities, facilitate the inter-connectedn­ess of the regional economy, and contribute to sustainabl­e developmen­t and climate change mitigation.

Major priority areas identified include fisheries and aquacultur­e, ocean energy, ports and shipping, oil and minerals exploitati­on, and sustainabl­e tourism activities through various platforms at the national and regional levels.

The ocean sector, which is crucial to Malaysia’s economy through its resources and ecosystem services that support trade and industries, requires proper management and conservati­on strategies to achieve maximum economic, environmen­tal and social outcomes. This will involve participat­ion from the relevant stakeholde­rs and assessment of the physical and human resources required; investment in research, science and technology; collaborat­ion; and review and formulatio­n of policies. Some of the initiative­s that could be undertaken include developing a blue economy profile and conducting pilot studies of the ocean to help define and refine Malaysia’s conception of a blue economy, and promoting the use of ocean economy data in marine planning at the national level to facilitate further engagement by Malaysia with other countries in the region on related areas.

It is envisaged that blue economy initiative­s would further drive sustainabl­e developmen­t at the national level. The overall management of Malaysia’s seas should hence focus on balancing the need to continue or perpetuate the provision of goods and services from the sea while allowing for sustainabl­e developmen­t.

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