The Star Malaysia

Pasir Salak MP aims to contest for top Umno post


Umno supreme council member Datuk Seri Tajuddin Abdul Rahman, who wants to contest a top post in the next party elections, is confident that his experience will carry him through.

The Pasir Salak MP said he will officially announce the post he would contest at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday.

Tajuddin said he was confident that his 42 years of experience as a member would enable him to help revive the glory days of the party.

“I hope the Umno leaders elected this time round will comprise those who really understand today’s challenges and what needs to be done.

“To me, the Umno leadership is very important because it will lead 3.7 million Umno members to continue the party’s struggle,” he said on Wednesday after a Pasir Salak Umno division committee meeting here.

The former deputy minister of agricultur­e and agro-based industry

Although we lost at the national level and in several states, support of the Malays for Umno is still strong ... Datuk Seri Tajuddin Abdul Rahman

said the Barisan Nasional defeat in GE14 was not due to its failure to look after the people and develop the country, but because of the political ploys of the then Opposition parties.

“Although we lost at the national level and in several states, support of the Malays for Umno is still strong because we won 54 seats and we are the political party with the most number of seats,” he added.

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