The Star Malaysia

Anwar meets Sultan of Selangor

PKR adviser: We discussed many issues, including the new MB post


SHAH ALAM: After four years of soured ties with the Selangor palace, PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was granted an audience with Sultan Sharafuddi­n Idris Shah.

The meeting at Istana Bukit Kayangan was also attended by Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Azmin Ali.

When met at the palace gates after the meeting ended more than an hour and a half later, Anwar said many issues were discussed.

“We talked about the developmen­t in Selangor, the future as well as the transition in Selangor to replace the mentri besar,” he said yesterday.

He said Sultan Sharafuddi­n had been reassured that the transition would take place smoothly.

Also discussed was the peaceful transition of power between government­s at the federal level, said Anwar.

He said he had informed Sultan Sharafuddi­n about his readiness to help the Government under the leadership of Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, even though he does not have a position there.

“Tuanku advised us to uphold the Malay language and the position of Islam while ensuring harmony among the races, which is important,” said Anwar.

The subject of the new mentri besar candidates, he said, was also raised.

“There are many eligible candidates, and the decision is almost made,” he added, but declined to divulge the short-listed names.

To a question if the candidate must come from PKR, Anwar said the position is open to all parties but his party happened to hold the majority seats in Selangor.

In the recent general election, Pakatan Harapan won 51 of the total 56 state seats, with PKR taking 21 seats, followed by DAP (16), Parti Amanah Negara (eight) and Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (six).

Earlier, Anwar said Sultan Sharafuddi­n inquired about his (Anwar’s) personal welfare and said he was happy that he had been released from prison.

Anwar upset the Selangor palace in 2014 after the Kajang Move debacle where a by-election was orchestrat­ed to get rid of the then mentri besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim.

Subsequent­ly in December 2014, the Sultan stripped Anwar of the Datuk Seri title which was conferred to the PKR leader in 1992 by the Ruler’s late father, Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah.

In a strongly worded statement, Sultan Sharafuddi­n’s private secretary Datuk Munir Bani said the revocation was done because Anwar’s conduct indicated he was no longer fit to hold the title.

“The decision was based on Anwar’s repeated questionin­g of the Selangor Sultan and royal institutio­n’s integrity in resolving the Selangor Mentri Besar crisis,” Munir had said.

Meanwhile, Azmin told newsmen on his way out of the palace that the audience with Sultan Sharafuddi­n had gone very well.

It is believed that the audience with the Ruler was requested by Anwar and arranged by Azmin.

 ??  ?? Royal audience: Anwar greeting Sultan Sharafuddi­n at Istana Bukit Kayangan in Shah Alam. Looking on is Azmin (right).
Royal audience: Anwar greeting Sultan Sharafuddi­n at Istana Bukit Kayangan in Shah Alam. Looking on is Azmin (right).

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