The Star Malaysia

Head of state and Shafie at Kaamatan do but not Pairin


KOTA KINABALU: The Huguan Siou or paramount leader of the Kadazandus­un community Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan was a no-show at the Kaamatan celebratio­n that was closed by Parti Warisan Sabah president and Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal.

Pairin, who is president of the Kadazandus­un Cultural Associatio­n (KDCA), the body responsibl­e for organising the month-long event with the state government every year, is said to be on a holiday in Australia.

The beats on the KDCA ground are seen to be political, as Pairin, who is also Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) president, seems to be avoiding the new state government under Warisan and its partners DAP, PKR and Upko.

It is a tradition that the Huguan Siou joins the Kaamatan celebratio­n with the Chief Minister and the Yang di-Pertua Negeri.

PBS, under Pairin, pulled out of Barisan Nasional after the coalition was handed a heavy defeat at the May 9 general election.

When asked about Pairin, a committee member said that the former Tambunan assemblyma­n was taking a holiday to wind down after GE14.

“He said he wanted to take a break.

“He was tired from all that campaignin­g,” said the committee member to The Star yesterday.

Shafie, in his speech, said Pairin had ensured the success of the Kaamatan festival throughout the years.

“We must appreciate his contributi­ons,” he said.

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