The Star Malaysia

Lawmaker slammed for calling childless people ‘selfish’


TOKYO: A leader of Japan’s ruling party has sparked uproar after calling people without children selfish, in the latest in a series of comments by senior politician­s urging women to have more babies.

Toshihiro Nikai, secretary-general of the Liberal Democratic Party, said on Tuesday that recent generation­s think they are better off without children, contrastin­g them with older people who had large families despite the devastatio­n of World War II.

He also urged women to have babies to contribute to Japan’s prosperity.

The country is struggling with an ageing and declining population.

“Before, during and after the war, nobody said it’s better not to have children because it would be too much trouble.

“Today, people have the selfish idea that they are better off without having children,” Nikai said.

“In order for everyone to pursue happiness, we should have (women) bear many children so that our country will prosper and develop.”

Opponents said Nikai’s remark neglected people’s right to choose their family size and was insensitiv­e to those who were forced to give up hopes of having children because of financial or medical difficulti­es.

They also criticised him for rejecting family diversity, including same-sex couples and single parents.

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