The Star Malaysia

Sabah cops checking if arson was behind Semporna fire


SEMPORNA: Sabah police are checking if arson was behind the fire that wiped out more then 200 wooden stilt houses in a floating village, leaving over 2,000 people homeless at the east coast Semporna town.

Sabah Police Commission­er Datuk Ramli Din said initial investigat­ions revealed that the blaze was triggered by some villagers burning rubbish in the area when the flames raged out of control.

“We are still investigat­ing to see if there are any criminal elements,” he said when asked about viral social media messages claiming that the fire, the second in Sabah in a week, was allegedly started for political motives.

“I have seen those messages. For now, we know that it was from people burning rubbish. But, we are still looking into it,” he told reporters yesterday.

Among the viral messages being circulated was that the fire was allegedly started to facilitate undocument­ed people to get identity documents, while other counter-messages claimed that the water villagers were being punished for supporting the current government.

Comm Ramli said the Fire and Rescue Department was investigat­ing the cause of the fire, and police would take the necessary action if there was any criminal element including arson.

Sabah Fire and Rescue Department operations chief Katizah Rahaban said 48 firemen from Semporna, Kunak and Tawau were dispatched to the scene after a distress call was received at about 6pm Tuesday.

Katizah said the fire at the old floating village settlement of Kampung Air Hujung and Kampung Air Tengah in the town area was put out by 12.41am yesterday.

The exact number of houses destroyed and people displaced are still being assessed as of yesterday, as the Semporna District Council was taking immediate steps to provide shelter and relief. There were no casualties reported in the fire.

 ??  ?? Flaming devastatio­n: More than 2,000 people were left homeless after a fire destroyed the old floating village in Semporna.
Flaming devastatio­n: More than 2,000 people were left homeless after a fire destroyed the old floating village in Semporna.

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