The Star Malaysia

Venezuelan­s in Peru accept Maduro’s offer to fly home


LIMA: Nearly 100 migrants took up an offer by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro to fly them home from Lima, citing xenophobia against Venezuelan­s and difficulti­es in getting work.

The move is part of the socialist government’s “Return to the Homeland” scheme to counter a mass exodus and woo back young Venezuelan­s to work in the crisis-torn country.

Ninety-seven migrants – including 22 children and four pregnant women – boarded a flight laid on by the state-run airline Conviasa for the five-hour flight back to Caracas.

Miguel Materanol, 42, said he was making the trip he could otherwise not afford, to escape “a bad situation here and xenophobia” towards Venezuelan migrants.

“I’m going to look for a job. The government has promised that it will help us,” Materano said.

Katiuska Anselmo said she could not find anyone to take care of her children as she sought work in Peru. Another returnee, Yusmari Arrais, said she was going back because she could not find a job while pregnant.

The group were put up in a hotel near the Venezuelan embassy in Lima on Sunday, where they received food and medical care, a Venezuelan official told reporters at the airport.

The flight comes as tens of thousands of migrants stream into Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil from the opposite direction, part of what officials say is one of the biggest population movements in recent South American history, driven by economic mismanagem­ent and repression in once wealthy Venezuela.

On Friday, Venezuela’s communicat­ions Minister Jorge Rodriguez said migrants “are going to return” following reforms announced by Maduro last week to counter hyperinfla­tion that the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund has forecast to surpass a million percent this year.

Of the 2.3 million Venezuelan­s living abroad, more than 1.6 million have fled the country since the crisis began in 2015, according to UN figures.

The pace of departures has accelerate­d in recent days. According to the UN, as many as 4,000 people have been arriving daily in Ecuador, Peru, Colombia and Brazil. — AFP

 ??  ?? Going home: Venezuelan­s waiting to enter the boarding area of the airport in Lima after receiving a plane ticket paid by their government. — AFP
Going home: Venezuelan­s waiting to enter the boarding area of the airport in Lima after receiving a plane ticket paid by their government. — AFP

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