The Star Malaysia

Salah row escalates with Egyptian FA


CAIRO: A bitter spat between Egypt star Mohamed Salah and his country’s football authoritie­s escalated, casting a fresh shadow over his involvemen­t with the national team.

Salah, 26, and the Egyptian Football Associatio­n have previously been at loggerhead­s due to a disagreeme­nt over image rights.

Now the conflict has flared up again after the striker and his lawyer accused the FA of failing to respond to a list of requests dealing with the player’s treatment.

Salah’s lawyer Ramy Abbas Issa said the demands involved the player’s “well-being whilst with the national team, and assurances that the image rights violations wouldn’t happen again”.

In an angry rebuttal the football federation said on Monday that they would not accept the requests, blasting some as “illogical” and insisting they would not “favour one player over another”.

Salah hit back with a pair of Facebook videos, insisting he was asking for better security for the whole squad at team hotels.

He said that he did not want to be disturbed in his room by visitors wanting to chat in the middle of the night as had happened before.

“I’m the person that these things happen to. I’m the person who gets harmed by these things,” he said.

“These requests are very small but make things easier, they make the player focused in the match.”

The fresh war-of-words between the two sides comes ahead of Egypt’s African Cup of Nations qualifier against Niger on Sept 8.

The disagreeme­nt between national hero Salah and the Egyptian FA first burst into the open in April over the player’s image rights.

Salah was angered that his image was being used by the national team’s main sponsor, telecoms firm WE, when he already had a contract with rival company Vodafone.

That dispute was eventually resolved following interventi­on from political leaders.

The player was also reportedly left unhappy after he was made to appear with Chechen strongman Ramzan Kadyrov at Egypt’s training ground in the region for the World Cup in Russia this summer. — AFP

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