The Star Malaysia

Safe locations identified for exams during floods


SERI KEMBANGAN: Safe locations have been identified by the Education Ministry to ensure students sitting for examinatio­ns during the monsoon season will not be affected.

Deputy Education Minister Teo Nie Ching said the ministry follows a standard operating procedure (SOP) when natural disasters occur.

“Our SOP lists down matters that must be acted upon (swiftly) by schools, teachers and by security agencies.

“If natural disasters occur (during the examinatio­n period) and if the selected exam centre is unsafe, our security agents will transfer students to the nearest centres; contingent plans have been made (to tackle the issue),” she told reporters after visiting SJK (C) Balakong, Seri Kembangan pupils on the first day of the Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah yesterday.

The UPSR examinatio­ns has started with pupils sitting for Mandarin and Tamil papers.

A total of 440,743 pupils from 8,192 schools will be sitting for the examinatio­n which ends on Sept 27.

In conveying her wishes to the pupils, Teo said: “It is normal to feel anxious when sitting for examinatio­ns but my message to the pupils is to relax and take it as a normal exam.”

A teacher from Terengganu said by securing safe locations, pupils won’t have the added worry of not being able to sit for their exams. Every year in October, the teacher said the district education office (PPD) in Kemaman would gather all secondary schools to conduct a meeting on emergency plans if a natural disaster arises.

On a separate matter, Teo said the ministry received a complaint from a Chinese school invigilato­r who, while supervisin­g an exam in a Tamil vernacular school last year, noticed a teacher from the school speaking in Tamil to the pupils.

“According to the invigilato­r, while they did not understand the language, they were concerned if the teacher had revealed informatio­n they shouldn’t to the pupils.

“We will discuss the issue with the state education department,” she said, adding that the public should not overreact to the matter.

 ??  ?? How did it go?: Teo speaking to a pupil at SJKC Balakong on the first day of the UPSR exam in Seri Kembangan.
How did it go?: Teo speaking to a pupil at SJKC Balakong on the first day of the UPSR exam in Seri Kembangan.

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