The Star Malaysia

Two-horse power race in Brazil

Presidenti­al campaign polarised between the left and far right


BRASILIA: Brazil looks to be charging headlong into a two-horse presidenti­al race between the far right and the left in what has been an at times surreal and unpredicta­ble campaign.

But while right-wing Jair Bolsonaro and leftist Fernando Haddad head opinion polls, they’re also the most hated candidates, something that analyst Thomaz Favaro believes could pose a problem for the next president’s credibilit­y.

“The fact that these options generate so much rejection can have serious consequenc­es for the country,” said Favaro, from Control Risk consultanc­y.

“It brings a problem of legitimacy for the next government which will struggle to implement its reforms ... whoever wins, he’ll come up against a lot of resistance in Congress.”

In the latest opinion poll by Ibope, Bolsonaro led with 28% while Haddad climbed to second on 19% just a week after polling a mere eight, directly after his nomination by the Workers’ Party (PT) as their replacemen­t candidate after former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was barred from standing because he is serving a 12-year prison sentence for corruption.

But 42% of respondent­s said they would never vote for Bolsonaro - a figure that has remained consistent amidst accusation­s of racism, sexism and homophobia against the ex-army captain over some controvers­ial comments – while 29% similarly reject Haddad.

In a further twist, should those two get through the Oct 7 first round to the run-off second round three weeks later, Ibope’s poll says they would finish level with 40% each.

A reader who wrote in to the economic newspaper Valor summed up the mood with this comment: “I will never forgive Bolsonaro for forcing me to vote PT.”

When it comes to the second round of voting it may well be a case of who voters hate the least rather than like the most.

“Unless someone (else) bounces back, we will have an election like 1989 when Fernando Collor, a politician from an insignific­ant party, fought a duel with Lula”, and won, said Lincoln Secco, an analyst and historian at the University of Sao Paulo.

The uncertaint­y of an election in which the initial frontrunne­r was languishin­g in jail while his main opponent recovered in hospital shows no sign of abating.

The Lula soap opera was a long drawn-out affair and while the 72-year-old premier from 20032010 refused to give up on his bid to stand in the election, his conviction for accepting a seaside apartment as a bribe eventually ruled him out of the running.

Even while he tried to exhaust every appeal process available to him, Bolsonaro’s fate took a dark turn as he was stabbed earlier this month by a leftwing activist while out on the campaign trail.

He has had two operations and remains in hospital recovering, with his ability to return to the campaign trail even before the Oct 28 second round vote looking increasing­ly unlikely.

There’s nothing new about right versus left presidenti­al races, particular­ly in Brazil, but the main protagonis­ts are not what the country is used to.

On the one hand, Bolsonaro has openly expressed admiration for the much-hated military dictatorsh­ip from 1964-85 and its use of torture, while Haddad, 55, is a virtual unknown outside of Sao Paulo, where he was once the mayor.

Another advantage for Bolsonaro and Haddad is that they haven’t been tainted by the wide-ranging corruption scandal that brought down Lula and saw his hand-picked successor as president, Dilma Rousseff, impeached.

Bolsonaro, for his part, has been seducing his supporters with videos taken from his hospital bed.

The 63-year-old has also “capitalise­d on his anti-establishm­ent discourse, capturing voters who view the traditiona­l parties as compromise­d”, said Favaro.

Bolsonaro’s “tough line on crime has also won him many votes amongst those worried about security”.

“The conciliato­ry language of the traditiona­l right and pragmatic centre have lost their popular appeal,” said Secco during a meeting with the top journalist­s in Brazil.

And that can only benefit those at the extremes. — AFP

 ??  ?? Four in the forefront: Brazilian presidenti­al candidates (clockwise from top left) Bolsonaro, Haddad, Geraldo Alckmin and Ciro Gomes. — Reuters
Four in the forefront: Brazilian presidenti­al candidates (clockwise from top left) Bolsonaro, Haddad, Geraldo Alckmin and Ciro Gomes. — Reuters

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