The Star Malaysia

Bring to book those who spill concrete


I READ from news reports daily that our new Transport Minister is cracking the whip on everything related to transport management.

I would like to highlight to him a major problem that is happening every day in our towns and cities – cement trucks spilling lumps of concrete on the roads and lorries carrying building equipment and constructi­on materials like sand and stones that are not secured properly or covered up.

We see these vehicles at traffic light junctions, slopes and most roads in and around Kuala Lumpur. The cement trucks spill concrete which harden into raised patches and damage the roads. These patches of hardened concrete are also dangerous as some are quite sharp and could puncture our tyres. Motorcycli­sts are especially at risk if they are unaware of these concrete patches and suddenly run into them.

I am sure our Transport Minister has himself seen these concrete lumps on many roads. So please take action to prevent more spillage that would not only damage our roads but also pose danger to motorists. Other people in authority, including police officers and Public Works Department personnel, seem to be blind to these concrete hazards.

Are the companies that operate these cement trucks so powerful that no action can be taken against them? It’s Malaysia Baru now, so please show that you are fair to all.

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