The Star Malaysia

Unions are bridges between staff and bosses


SHAH ALAM: Unions should act as “bridges” between workers and employers and no longer function as facilitato­rs of pickets to push their demands, said Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

The Prime Minister said unions must play this role because the expectatio­ns of workers or employers change from time to time and are becoming more complex.

“Today, unions can no longer just be champions of workers like before, organising pickets and other demonstrat­ions to pressure employers.

“As the go-between of workers and companies, unions that are dynamic are very important,” he said when opening the 21st congress of the Union of Pos Malaysia Uniformed Staff (Upus) here yesterday.

Also present was the union’s vice-president Ahmad Tarmizi Taib, who is also dischargin­g the duties of the president, and the top management of Pos Malaysia.

Dr Mahathir also said that fast-changing technology, automation and robotics, if not embraced quickly, will result in workers being left behind and not becoming relevant.

“Unions should have the capacity to understand the changes that are happening and play their role to ensure workers are not left behind because of fast-paced changes,” he said.

At the event attended by 147 Upus delegates, Dr Mahathir also praised Pos Malaysia for taking on challenges in a fast-changing world and emerging as an e-commerce pioneer in Malaysia.

“The challenge now is embracing diversific­ation in the business and service sectors, and Pos Malaysia, I believe, will continue to innovate to remain relevant.

“The matter also demands the management and workers to change in the interest of all, what more with Pos Malaysia also playing a role in the developmen­t of the country,” he said.

In this regard, Dr Mahathir commended Upus as a dominant union as well as for playing a role in shaping harmony in its relations with the company.

“In the context of Pos Malaysia, I understand Upus was establishe­d in 1959 and is one of the oldest unions in Malaysia.

“With a membership of almost 7,000, it is a dominant union,” he said.

Ahmad Tarmizi, in his speech, said the policy of privatisat­ion in the country inspired by Dr Mahathir had succeeded in producing more competitiv­e workers with higher productivi­ty in Pos Malaysia. — Bernama

 ??  ?? Meeting an icon: Dr Mahathir sharing a light moment with Pos Malaysia personnel after officiatin­g the congress in Shah Alam.
Meeting an icon: Dr Mahathir sharing a light moment with Pos Malaysia personnel after officiatin­g the congress in Shah Alam.

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