The Star Malaysia

China museum offers sleepover with mummies


A MUSEUM in China is offering a bizarre experience to visitors by snuggling them next to millennia-old mummies and skeletons of the near horn beast (paracerath­erium) and dinosaurs, reported China Press.

The Turpan Museum in Xinjiang has put up several tents in an exhibition hall where the mummies and fossils are displayed.

The two mummies exhibited in their own glass box are more than 3,000 years old.

A museum official said the sleepover was aimed at providing an educationa­l experience to visitors.

It has attracted many young visitors who are interested in Chinese history and culture.

> The daily also reported that an 11-year-old girl wrote a confession letter to a 12-year-old boy, asking him for sex.

In the handwritte­n letter, the girl introduced herself and stated what year she was from before asking the boy if he had ever had sex with anyone.

“It’s okay if you don’t know me, I want to know you.

“I want to ask if you have ever had sex with a girl before? Actually, I want to have sex with you just once! Please,” she wrote.

She even reassured him that a baby “would not happen” after having sexual relations just for once.

The letter, which was shared by an officer at the Kota Setar Welfare office in Kedah, came from the boy’s mother who found the letter in his schoolbag and decided to seek help at the office.

The officer said the girl and the boy were from a primary school in the Klang Valley.

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