The Star Malaysia

NGO: Don’t let politics interfere in LTTE probe


MALAY-MUSLIM NGO Ummah has submitted a memorandum to the Home Ministry to stop any political interferen­ce into the investigat­ion against supporters of the outlawed Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

Its chief Aminuddin Yahya said the police should continue to monitor the group and act against those involved.

“We are only concern over our national security. We hope there will be no political interferen­ce by challengin­g the action taken by the police,” he told reporters outside Parliament.

Aminuddin had earlier gathered with some 50 supporters in front of

Parliament before submitting the memorandum to Pakatan Harapan Backbenche­rs Club chairman Datuk Johari Abdul.

Umno supreme council member Datuk Lokman Noor Adam, who was also present, said he was among those detained under the now defunct Internal Security Act (ISA) but had never blamed the police.

“I was with other detainees celebratin­g Hari Raya Aidilfitri in jail. We never complained we could not celebrate with our families at home.

“This is not a racial or religious issue but security matter. We support the police to thwart any terrorism activities,” he said.

Umno president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said as a former home minister, he supported the police in their probe and action against supporters of the LTTE.

“They have been fair in terms of protecting the safety of the country. We hope no political leaders will interfere with the police work,” he said.

 ??  ?? Hand-in-hand: PKr vice president Tian Chua (left) and ahmad Zahid sharing a joke while walking into Parliament. — bernama
Hand-in-hand: PKr vice president Tian Chua (left) and ahmad Zahid sharing a joke while walking into Parliament. — bernama

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