The Star Malaysia

Australia has stationed immigratio­n officers in M’sia


WITH over 30,000 Malaysians overstayin­g their welcome, Australian authoritie­s have now stationed immigratio­n officers in Malaysia to check those going to the country, says Deputy Foreign Minister Datuk Marzuki Yahya.

“Their immigratio­n officers are here to examine visa applicatio­ns from Malaysians before they travel to Australia,” he said.

“Greener pastures is why most overstayed and although Malaysians are not recognised as refugees by Australia, some still apply.

“Some do this (claiming refugee status) out of personal reasons in seeking better services or life in Australia or elsewhere,” he said while answering a supplement­ary question raised by Datuk Mohd Salim Mohd Sharif (BN-Jempol).

Mohd Salim claimed that Australian High Commission­er to

Malaysia Andrew Goledzinow­ski had recently revealed that about 33,000 Malaysians had overstayed their 90-day visa, with some claiming refugee status.

“He also said that the Australian government had received 4,973 applicatio­ns for protection visas from Malaysians between July 2018 and April this year,” added Mohd Salim.

Marzuki said Wisma Putra was working closely with Australia to monitor Malaysians seeking such status or protection visas.

To a question by Arthur Joseph Kurup (PBRS-Pensiangan), Marzuki advised Malaysians to check with the relevant authoritie­s before taking up overseas job offers.

He said this was to avoid Malaysians, particular­ly the youth, being duped and ending up as illegal immigrants abroad.

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