The Star Malaysia

Johor govt: Been to Sabah? Get tested


JOHOR BARU: The Johor government has urged those with a recent travel history to Sabah to undergo Covid-19 testing after the emergence of a cluster linked to the state.

“The government urges anyone who has travelled to Sabah recently to go to the nearest health facility and be tested for Covid-19.

“They should also adhere to the advice given to them by following the mandatory 14-day self-quarantine at home,” said state health and environmen­t committee chairman R. Vidyananth­an.

As of Wednesday, the total number of Covid-19 cases reported in Johor stood at 767, with 15 active cases. A total of 731 cases have been discharged while there are 21 deaths.

The latest case, said Vidyananth­an, involved a female secondary school teacher who tested positive after coming in close contact with a case linked to the Bakawali cluster in Johor.

The index cases for the cluster were a husband and wife who travelled to Semporna, Sabah, from Sept 13 to 18.

Vidyananth­an said the teacher was infected with Covid-19 by her husband, who also tested positive.

“The husband is among the nine close contacts who tested positive from the Bakawali cluster,” he said, adding that the department had decontamin­ated the husband’s workplace – a laboratory – that had since been closed.

Vidyananth­an said all the laboratory staff had been tested for Covid19 and ordered to stay at home for 14 days.

“We have also conducted investigat­ions and tracing of close contacts among teachers and students,” he said, adding that all were tested and told to stay home.

“As of Wednesday, the department has identified 157 close contacts, with 70 testing negative while another 87 still have their results pending,” he said.

Suluk Bersatu Sabah Associatio­n chairman Faisal Sisar said not many Sabahans had travelled from Johor to cast their votes during the state election last weekend.

“There is a large number of Sabahans who have migrated to Johor but only a small percentage of them went back to vote,” he said.

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