The Sun (Malaysia)

Still missing after 26 days

> Parents of seven orang asli children complain to Suhakam about school treatment

- BY TIMOTHY ACHARIAM newsdesk@thesundail­

PETALING JAYA: The parents of the seven orang asli children who went missing from Sekolah Kebangsaan Pos Tohoi in Gua Musang, Kelantan, have lodged a report with the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) to express their dissatisfa­ction on the treatment of their children.

The report covered various aspects such as alleged discrimina­tion against the children, forced assimilati­on as well as the school’s responsibi­lity in causing the loss of the seven children.

“I’m dissatisfi­ed with the school authoritie­s,” said Devid Kuasan who is the father of the youngest victim, Juvina Devid, seven.

He also alleged there have been cases of orang asli children being abused by teachers.

The seven children have been missing since Aug 23.

The search for the children in the deep forests of Gua Musang has entered into its 26th day with no clear lead or sign as to the whereabout­s of the children.

Sources connected to the search and rescue (SAR) operations in Gua Musang said that although there is no lead at the moment, they would continue with the search.

The SAR team is made up of the police, the Fire and Rescue Department, Rela, Civil Defence Department, National Registrati­on Department, villagers from Pos Tohoi and the army.

Five of the pupils are believed to be from Kampumg Penad Pos Simpor, while two others are from Kampung Gawen in Pos Gob.

Apart from Juvina, the missing children are Mirsudiar Aluj, 11; Norieen Yaakob, 10; Ika Ayel, nine; Sasa Sobrie, eight; Linda Rosli, eight; and Haikal Yaakob, eight (Norieen’s brother).

It was reported earlier that the pupils had walked out of school after a teacher scolded them.

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