The Sun (Malaysia)

Rouge ready


A LITTLE rouge applied to cheeks makes skin look fresh and young again. At least that's the theory.

But like so many things in life there are a few things to watch out for when using blusher.

"If I apply rouge in a V-shape from the temples towards the corners of the mouth I will highlight the eyes," says cosmetic artist Boris Entrup. "I can achieve a very fresh look if I apply the rouge to the highest point on the cheeks."

A rule of thumb is apply rouge to match the shape of the face. "Start by looking at the cheek bones.

"For a long face apply the rouge vertically right beneath the cheek bone," says Barbara Fehrenbach from Germany's associatio­n of beautician­s. By applying rouge to the chin and forehead the face will appear to be shorter than it is.

Makeup artist Ricarda Zill recommends using slightly darker rouge to cheekbones on a triangular shaped face.

A round face will appear smaller when rouge is applied diagonally from the cheekbone almost to the corner of the mouth. "An oval face is considered to be an ideal shape. I can apply as much rouge as I think is right," says Zill.

The shade of rouge depends on skin colour. "The lighter the skin tone, the softer the tone of rouge should be. Dark skin tones can take bright shades," says Entrup.

Light pink or apricot shades suit pale skin tones, while tanned skin with a yellow undertone can take gold or bronze shades of rouge. "Very strong or dark red tones can look very classy on this type of skin," says Fehrenbach.

Rouge is available in a variety of forms such as a fluid, a cream, mousse or as powder. Choosing which rouge to use depends on makeup skills and skin type.

"A cream rouge is the right choice for very dry skin. Powdered rouge suits a mixed skin type, or very oily, skin type," says Fehrenbach.

Cream rouge is very practical and can easily be applied to skin with fingers. "It also has a silky texture and is a favourite choice when trying to achieve a shimmering effect," says Entrup. Mousse rouge is even easier to use.

"Thanks to its very soft and gentle texture it blends in completely with the skin."

The advantage to using powder rouge is that it's easy to apply. The quantity can be precisely determined and it also lasts a long time on the skin.

Fluid rouge on the other hand takes some getting used to. "It needs to be applied sparingly, but quickly, to the cheeks because it dries up fast," says Entrup. – dpa

 ??  ?? A round face will appear smaller when rouge is applied diagonally from the cheekbone almost to the corner of the mouth.
A round face will appear smaller when rouge is applied diagonally from the cheekbone almost to the corner of the mouth.

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