The Sun (Malaysia)

Building that Hollywood bod

> Here are some tips to help us achieve that perfect movie star physique


to name a few.

Of course, two-thirds of the upper arm is made out of tricep muscles. Do not neglect them.

To build impressive arms, tricep muscles need to be hit directly with bodyweight dips and close grip bench presses.

The reality behind the Kardashian­s All the Kardashian girls – from Kourtney to Kylie – have impressive glute muscles – “rears that launched careers”, as some would say.

Much can be attributed to having really good genes, but for those who have followed their careers, it is also evident that these girls put in a lot of work in the weight room to have such legendary behinds.

To build a Kardashian butt, focus on lower body exercises. Glutes and hamstrings should be a priority, but do not forget the quads and calf muscles.

Sculpt that strong and sexy behind by doing squats and lunges. Start with bodyweight squats and slowly incorporat­e weights into your training regimen.

Lower body muscles are one of the hardest muscles to see any significan­t change in a short period of time. Be patient and stick to the programme. His rise to fame is as impressive as his abs.

McConaughe­y was absolutely shredded for his role in Magic Mike, and his abs basically stole the show. Known for staying in shape even when not preparing for a role that requires him to take his shirt off, that’s his secret to having washboard abs.

To have a sexy midsection with abs popping out, one needs to have a very low body fat percentage. For men, it will be below 12%, and for women it will be less than 18%.

To achieve a low body fat percentage, diet is absolutely crucial. Eating healthy meals throughout the year and staying away from sugar is more important than doing 1,000 situps.

Now, achieving a Hollywood body may seem difficult, as we do not have the same resources as silver screen elites.

They are able to hire experts to help them get in shape, something which regular folks may not be able to do.

Discipline, hard work, and dedication, however, are all free.

If you want abs like McConaughe­y or arms like Evans, be sure to put in the work and stay focused on the goal.

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