The Sun (Malaysia)

Breathing a sigh of relief

> Having a hypersensi­tive immune system is not something to sneeze at


allergens. When patients with a sensitive nose breathe in these allergens – such as house dust mites, cigarette smoke, haze or plant pollen (which gives rise to hay fever) – symptoms such as sneezing, a runny or blocked nose occur as the nose tries to ‘flush out’ what it believes is an ‘intruder’. As the nose, eyes, ears, throat and sinuses are interconne­cted, these areas also become irritated and inflamed when allergens are inhaled, leading to symptoms such as allergic conjunctiv­itis (red, itchy eyes), blocked ears, a dry cough and sinusitis. More attention is now focused on allergic rhinitis, as the inflammati­on of the nose has been found to be the start of inflammati­on in the lungs (asthma).

According to Assoc Prof Anne Goh, the head and senior consultant at the Allergy Service in the KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH) in Singapore, about 40% of children with allergic rhinitis will have associated asthma.

Conversely, about 80% to 90% of asthmatic children will have associated allergic rhinitis.

Medically, both conditions will need to be treated separately to control the symptoms.

Asthma is a difficult condition to treat once it is diagnosed, which is why allergic rhinitis needs to be managed earlier to prevent the condition from worsening into asthma.

Medicines such as antihistam­ines and steroidal nasal sprays are employed to help relieve symptoms but they do not address the root of a hypersensi­tive immune system.

Unless the over-sensitive nature of the immune system is addressed, sensitive nose issues are likely to worsen as the environmen­t increasing­ly overwhelms it.

Lectranal is a herbal remedy which has been well studied and found effective in calming hypersensi­tive noses.

The research on Lectranal was published in the journal Phytothera­py Research in 2010 where it was found

that treatment resulted in an overall improvemen­t of nasal allergies by over 70% after two months of treatment.

Unlike other general, nonspecifi­c therapies, Lectranal aims precisely at the hypersensi­tive nature of the immune system which triggers nasal symptoms to appear in the first place.

It will take at least two months for the immune system, and the nose in turn, to learn to behave normally.

Lectranal has an impeccable safety profile monitored by strict European standards.

Notwithsta­nding its long history of use for over 2,000 years, Lectranal has undergone numerous toxicologi­cal and long-term safety studies to ensure that it is effective without compromisi­ng on safety.

Jared’s father first came across Lectranal in various newspaper reports and decided to get it for his son.

After just three weeks of taking it, Jared’s nose saw significan­t improvemen­ts in ways he did not expect.

When he woke up one morning, he felt fresh and realised that he had actually slept through the night without his nose waking him up.

After four months, Jared was thrilled to discover that he could smell his mother’s banana cake baking in the oven, something he hadn’t experience­d in a very long time.

For more, call 03-5636 3758 or 1300 88 1712 or email pharmacist@

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