The Sun (Malaysia)

Acclaimed award

> SJIS is tops in Malay language


ST. JOHN’S Internatio­nal School (SJIS) has done it again. Attaining “Top at Malay Language” for the recent Internatio­nal General Certificat­e of Secondary Education (IGCSE) June 2017 examinatio­ns, two of SJIS’ students have secured the best scores in the Malay language.

A reputed top internatio­nal school in Kuala Lumpur, this achievemen­t adds on to the already illustriou­s track record of SJIS, further displaying that the school produces amazing students with excellent results.

Though Chinese by descent, Isaac Lee Kian Min and Isabelle Lim Ning have successful­ly mastered the Malay language, and will be awarded at the prestigiou­s Outstandin­g Cambridge Learner Awards ceremony on Nov 27.

Conveying their gratitude and acknowledg­ement to SJIS, especially to their teachers who were instrument­al in their success, Isaac and Isabelle further extended their appreciati­on for the full support given by their parents, teachers and school throughout their studies and examinatio­ns.

The “crème de la crème” brilliant duo are of the opinion that other students should take up the IGCSE Malay language subject, and they view that these students could perform equally well in the subject, as SJIS provides the best possible conducive learning environmen­t.

The aforementi­oned awards are only accorded to exceptiona­l learner achievemen­t in Cambridge examinatio­ns globally, as the primary intent of these awards is the celebratio­n and recognitio­n of the success by selected high-performing Cambridge learners, which include the “Top in Country”, “Best Across” and “High Achievemen­t” categories.

Prior to this, SJIS had been accorded “Top in Malaysia” for the IGCSE May-June 2016 examinatio­n for the Malay language subject. A non-Malay student by descent, Pavindran had demonstrat­ed an excellent mastery of Malay under the coaching and guidance of the Malay language teachers at SJIS.

At SJIS, the school is committed towards achieving their vision and mission; to be leaders in the provision of a first-class, wellrounde­d holistic education within a stimulatin­g learning environmen­t.

Furthermor­e, the school endeavours to secure its mission in inspiring every student with the fortitude to grow into respected and trusted leaders of the community by accomplish­ing academic, personal and social goals founded on the holism of faith, knowledge, critical thinking, creativity and excellence.

Supported by a dedicated teaching faculty that walks the extra mile towards the achievemen­t of academic excellence in its students, SJIS has formed a conducive and tight kinship network among the school’s citizens that provides a thriving learning environmen­t for potential talents to flourish.

 ??  ?? SJIS is playing a major role in the positive growth of the Malay language.
SJIS is playing a major role in the positive growth of the Malay language.

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