The Sun (Malaysia)



President Nazarbayev’s proposals regarding modernisat­ion of the national identity are motivated by the need for enhancing the country’s ability to connect and compete more efficientl­y in the global arena and evolving modern economy. 1. Competitiv­eness: enhanced through computer literacy, education and foreign language proficienc­y. Pragmatism: accurate knowledge of personal and national resources, leveraging them cost-effectivel­y to plan and drive the individual’s and country’s future. Maintainin­g (pride) in the national identity: without being hindered by nonconstru­ctive, recalcitra­nt elements. Cult of knowledge: empowering of human talent through education, profession­al training, use of technology and enhancing of skill-sets. Evolutiona­ry developmen­t of Kazakhstan: as a practical principle of ideology. Open attitude: to understand the socio-economic nuances and rapidly evolving technology; appreciati­ng, learning, accepting and adopting best practices and advanced techniques. Besides empowering connectivi­ty and competitiv­eness through the transition (of the Kazakh alphabet) from Cyrillic to Latin script, Nazarbayev has also proposed several concrete projects 6. to pragmatica­lly enhance pride in Kazakhstan’s national identity. These include: New humanitari­an knowledge: translatin­g the world’s 100 best humanities textbooks for easier disseminat­ion of this knowledge among local students. Tugan Zher (homeland): conducting serious study of local lore, regional history, ecology, restoratio­n of cultural and historical monuments and cultural sites of local significan­ce. Spiritual/ holy sites of Kazakhstan: promoting national consciousn­ess about these historic and sacred sites, simultaneo­usly encouragin­g domestic and foreign tourism. Promoting Kazakh culture: utilising the six official UN To enhance connectivi­ty and ease of usage, Nazarbayev urged his government to develop and endorse a Latin-script version of the Kazakh language by end-2017. Kazakh language historical­ly used the Arabic script till 1929; transition­ed to Latin script from 1929 till 1940; and in 1940, Soviet authoritie­s introduced and influenced use of the Cyrillic alphabet for Kazakh.

languages and multimedia channels to familiaris­e the wider world with Kazakstan’s culture and heritage. 100 New Faces of Kazakhstan: telling the story of Kazakhstan’s achievemen­ts over the last 25 years through the individual lives of 100 citizens from different regions of different age groups and ethnicity. This project would: a) show the real faces of those who helped in creating modern Kazakhstan through their intellect, hands and talent; and

This transition to Latin script is intended to reform the Kazakh alphabet and spelling rules, to allow for conformity between its phonetics and graphics. This modernisat­ion will tap the language’s full potential as a tool of communicat­ion, besides facilitati­ng spiritual revival and strengthen­ing the national identity.

This reform also seeks to enhance the global competitiv­eness of Kazakhstan, promoting accelerate­d integratio­n in the global scientific, educationa­l, technology and communicat­ions arena, plus the digital/social environmen­t.

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