The Sun (Malaysia)

Getting the good kind of fat


IN THESE modern times, it is easy to put the blame on your hectic schedules for your poor diet and lack of nutrition.

As a result, there is an increasing need for quality dietary supplement­s, especially if you are not getting sufficient intake of Omega-3 fatty acids.

While it is common knowledge that Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in plant-based foods like nuts, what is better for your health are eicosapent­aenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexa­enoic acid (DHA), commonly found in fish oil.

Fish oil has been found to not only possess heart-friendly properties, but also have an overall positive effect on our body.

This is why supplement­ing oyur diet with Omega-3 fatty acids can be a smart health move, especially if you are not consuming enough fish.

The addition of fish oil can improve your cholestero­l levels by increasing high-density lipoprotei­n (HDL), also known as good fats, and lowering triglyceri­des, also known as lipids, by an estimated 15-30%.

Since more than half the fat of the human brain consists of Omega3 fatty acids, getting enough of the good fats is essential for our brain to take on tasks throughout the day.

Omega-3 fatty acids also play a role in decreasing the risk of certain mental health symptoms like schizophre­nia and bipolar disorder, as well as bouts of depression and anxiety.

An intake of anti-inflammato­ry fish oil supplement can also help significan­tly to reduce discomfort caused by inflammato­ry molecules called cytokines, by slowing down their production.

High inflammati­on in the body can make your knees creak or feel stiff, due to painful rheumatoid arthritis.

Another pitfall of contempora­ry diets that are high in fructose is the rising number of patients living with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Supplement­ing with Omega-3s can assist with improving NAFLD symptoms.

However, there are many brands of fish oil out in the market that contain different ratios of Omega-3s and plain fish fat. Regular fish oil has only about 30% Omega-3, while concentrat­ed versions have 60%, and pharmaceut­ical grade products can go over 85%.

The higher the purity of Omega3s, the lower the risk of indigestio­n and gastric reflux.

An ordinary fish oil capsule will usually cause burping once it dissolves in the stomach, which is why most brands spray an enteric coating on the outside layer with a synthetic methacryli­c acid polymer, so that it survives the trip to the small intestine.

This is where Enteripure soft gels come in. Not only is this supplement – developed by Natural Factors in Canada – sprayed with an enteric coating made from natural plant- based materials, the Omega-3 levels can reach 90%, qualifying the supplement as pharmaceut­ical grade.

The Enteripure soft gel coating is also made with technology that can maximise absorption by preventing the Omega-3 fatty acids from breaking down in the stomach, and instead delivering it to the small intestine.

The best part of Enteripure soft gels is that the high purity – which removes traces of toxins and heavy metals like mercury – means that you get a high dose of Omega-3 with fewer pills.

For more, visit the Nuvanta website, or call 03-5636 3758, or email:

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