The Sun (Malaysia)

Maldives in turmoil

> Troops storm Supreme Court to arrest judges, state of emergency declared


MALÉ: The Maldives’ top judge was arrested yesterday as security forces stormed the Supreme Court at dawn, in a deepening confrontat­ion with President Abdulla Yameen who has declared a state of emergency in the troubled honeymoon islands.

The detention of Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and another Supreme Court judge raised the stakes in a dramatic clash after Yameen refused to comply with an order to release nine political dissidents.

Police said both men were under investigat­ion for corruption and that the court’s top administra­tor had also been detained.

Yameen has presided over an escalating crackdown on dissent that has battered the image of the upmarket holiday paradise, and left almost all the political opposition jailed since he came to power in 2013.

On Monday he even ordered the arrest of his estranged half-brother and former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, who had sided with the main opposition.

Gayoom, 80, president for 30 years until the country’s first democratic elections in 2008, was taken from his home in the capital Male around midnight on Monday, according to a tweet from his daughter Yumna Maumoon.

“I have not done anything to be arrested,” Gayoom said in a video message to supporters posted on Twitter.

“I urge you to remain steadfast in your resolve too.

“We will not give up on the reform work we are doing.”

Heavily armed troops and police special operations units stormed the Supreme Court in the early hours, the court said on Twitter, as police used pepper spray to disperse hundreds of people gathered outside.

The court’s shock move in support of the political dissidents on Thursday also included an order for the government to restore the seats of 12 legislator­s sacked for defecting from Yameen’s party.

The opposition now has the majority in the assembly – meaning they could potentiall­y impeach the president.

But the government, which has ordered police and troops to resist any attempt to arrest or impeach Yameen, said the court was not above the law.

“The Supreme Court ruling stands in defiance of the highest authority in the country: the constituti­on,” spokesman Ibrahim Hussain Shihab said in a statement.

“The Supreme Court must remember that it too is bound by law.”

He said the government would “facilitate calm” and ensure the safety of all citizens and tourists “throughout this unusual period”.

The court’s decision also paved the way for exiled former president Mohamed Nasheed – the nation’s first democratic­ally elected leader who was controvers­ially convicted of terrorism in 2015 – to run for president this year.

Yameen, who has faced several unsuccessf­ul opposition attempts to impeach him for alleged corruption, responded by shuttering parliament and on Monday his administra­tion announced a 15day state of emergency. – AFP

 ?? REUTERSPIX ?? A student on his way to school walks near an inundated street in Jakarta yesterday.
REUTERSPIX A student on his way to school walks near an inundated street in Jakarta yesterday.

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