The Sun (Malaysia)

In sthpeotlig­ht

> An up-and-coming actress shares how her career path changed when she tried to mend a broken heart


actually gave me a film to watch and told me to observe how the actors portray their roles and to improve myself. Other times, I was given the opportunit­y to daydream and fully immerse myself in the character by thinking what would I do and how would I act if I was in that same situation.

What do you think makes you stand out from your fellow peers? Firstly, I think it's an added advantage that I speak three languages as it has really got me a lot of roles in different projects. Besides that, I've also been told that I have a specific look that many are looking for in an actress. I realised that I'm also easy to work with and the key is to be humble.

Was there a time during filming that you felt really uncomforta­ble? That actually happened once when I was filming with a partner that I have no chemistry with but I had to fake it to get the job done and stay profession­al as an actress. Other than that, theatre actually brought out another side of me, making me comfortabl­e in my own skin. Ever since then, I've become fearless to pretty much any scenario that was thrown my way.

What advice would you give other aspiring actors? Go to acting classes or workshops and don't just think about getting that instant fame without putting any effort or hard work into it. Acting isn't as easy as it seems. Not everyone is born a star.

You acted in "Samudera" that won the Malaysian Internatio­nal Film Festival Shortfilm Competitio­n. What role did you play? In Samudera (pix, above), I played the lead role as a maid named "Siti" who accidental­ly drowned her employer's baby and had to decide whether to stay and face the consequenc­es or to run away with her daughter. There wasn't much pressure I'd say as filming was easy-going for me. However, during the last day of filming my focus was disturbed and all I could think about was going home to sleep as I was exhausted from travelling to three different film locations.

Would you be writing or directing a movie or short film in the near future? I've had some experience in writing and directing theatre but nothing with films yet. When the time comes, it would be great to be able to dive into that and develop something of my own.

 ?? PIX BY TANG CHUN CHEUH ?? "Grace", one of the Short+Sweet Theatre plays that Mia has performed in.
PIX BY TANG CHUN CHEUH "Grace", one of the Short+Sweet Theatre plays that Mia has performed in.
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