The Sun (Malaysia)

Grow the passion

> The science of feng shui can help increase positive energy and smooth the flow of love and romance into your life


paint a whole wall in a colour of passion!

Let go of the past (literally!) Remove anything in your home that reminds you of past or failed relationsh­ips. This especially applies to old beds and mattresses!

Check your numbers Avoid putting items in threes. This gives rise to the subliminal message that there are three people in a relationsh­ip instead of two, something most people definitely don’t want!

Hence, paying attention to the interpreta­tion of numbers in feng shui is important.

Activate Earth energy The Southwest area of your garden or living room should be imbued with Earth energy. One of the easiest ways to do so is to bring stones into this area.

This includes adding a pair of regular stones, or items made from earth, like ceramic, pottery, cement, quartz and granite.

Statues and figurines made of earth are acceptable too.

Bind them together with a red ribbon to ‘fire up’ your love and relationsh­ip aspiration­s.

Create own personal space If you are single, widowed or divorced, and have small children (your own or others’) living with you in the family, create child-free zones.

These are areas such as the master bedroom where children’s toys, pictures, and other items should not be stored till you achieve your marriage aspiration­s and find a suitable partner.

Once , these ‘outer feng shui’ aspects have been looked into, the next important part is to work on your ‘inner feng shui’ by clearing your thoughts and relaxing your mind to enable you to decide and develop feelings of care and love for others.

More importantl­y, the thought of sharing that comes with marriage means a union of two hearts and minds.

S.BS. Surendran is an accredited master feng shui consultant, bioenerget­ician and traditiona­l vaastu practition­er. Readers can contact him at lifestyle.fengshui@thesundail­y. com.

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