The Sun (Malaysia)

‘Squalor sisters’ get new life at children’s home


KUANTAN: Three sisters, aged 12, 10 and nine, who were rescued from living in squalor with 13 dogs and a civet last Monday, are now in a much better environmen­t at the Rapha Children’s Home here.

The eldest of the three said they received new clothes and were no longer hungry. They are attending a school closer to the home since their previous school was too far away.

“We are given additional classes and are able to play musical instrument­s. My youngest sister and I are more inclined towards the piano while my middle sister is interested in the guitar,” she said yesterday.

Their uncle said their father, who works in Rompin, about 136km away, would visit them this weekend.

Although they are excited with the new changes, the sisters said they are sad to be separated from their 13 dogs, which had been given to new owners. Their other pets – the civet, spiders and fish are now under the care of their uncle.

“I hope the new owners will take care of the dogs well. I hope our uncle will not forget to feed the other pets too. The civet was mine while the other pets belonged to my younger sisters.”

Their mother has been working in Johor and Singapore for the past three years. They were under the care of their uncle, who rented their earlier place for RM500 per month.

Although they had skipped school, the eldest girl said they hardly roamed about and only left the house to buy food from a shop in front of their house.

“We each have a duty. I will cook the dishes, my younger sister will wash the clothes while the youngest will cook rice and fry fish. We would play and draw together while waiting for our uncle to come home,” she said.

Former Pahang mentri besar Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob, who visited the siblings yesterday, presented a personal contributi­on and agreed to pay the medical expense for the 10-year-old girl, who has a swell in her back

due to a fall a few days ago. – Bernama

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