The Sun (Malaysia)

Revolution­ary power of listening

- The writer is a certified mental health and awareness practition­er specialisi­ng in narcissist­ic abuse recovery. Comments: letters@thesundail­

LET us dive into the world of active listening, a skill so potent, yet so underappre­ciated that it can transform mundane conversati­ons into bridges of deep understand­ing and connection.

Imagine for a moment standing at the edge of a bustling marketplac­e, your senses bombarded with a cacophony of sounds.

Amid this chaos, a single, clear note from a distant flute reaches your ears. That is active listening – filtering through the noise to find and focus on the essence.

The journey begins with presence, the cornerston­e of active listening, but what does it mean to be truly present? It is the art of anchoring yourself in the “now”, ensuring that your mind is not wandering through the corridors of the past or the future’s unknown realms.

It is about giving the person in front of you the gift of your undivided attention, an increasing­ly rare commodity in our digital age.

Being present is akin to a musician tuning their instrument before a performanc­e to ensure that they are in perfect harmony with the orchestra.

Active listening is not just about keeping silent while someone else speaks, it is about creating a space where the other person feels free to express his thoughts and emotions without fear of interrupti­on or judgement. This space is sacred, a sanctuary where words are respected and valued.

Imagine a dancer moving across the stage with grace and fluidity, each movement telling a story. Your role is to be the audience, captivated and appreciati­ve of the performanc­e, understand­ing the narrative being woven before your eyes.

To listen actively, one must approach conversati­ons with a sense of emptiness. This does not mean you come as a blank slate with no thoughts or feelings. Instead, it is about clearing your mind of preconcept­ions and biases, making room for the other person’s words to resonate within you.

Think of it as preparing a garden bed for new seeds, the soil must be nurtured and ready to support new growth. This openness allows you to truly hear what is being said, beyond mere words.

One of the greatest enemies of active listening is defensiven­ess. When we are defensive, we are not listening, we are waiting to retaliate.

To listen actively, we must disarm ourselves, lay down our shields, and enter the conversati­on with a heart open to understand­ing, not defending. It is like a dance where both partners move in sync, aware of each other’s steps, and responsive to the rhythm of the dialogue.

Active listening shifts the focus from a quest to find faults to understand­ing. It is easy to listen with an agenda, to sift through someone’s words looking for points to argue or weaknesses to exploit.

However, active listening invites

“Active listening is not just about keeping silent while someone else speaks, it is about creating a space where the other person feels free to express his thoughts and emotions without fear of interrupti­on or judgement.

us to listen with empathy, to hear the emotions and intentions behind the words. It is a move from a confrontat­ional stance to a collaborat­ive one, where the goal is mutual understand­ing, not victory.

Active listening is not a passive act. It involves radiating positivity, showing through your body language and responses that you are engaged and supportive.

Feedback, when given thoughtful­ly, becomes a mirror reflecting the essence of what has been shared, offering clarity and promoting deeper understand­ing. It is a dialogue, a two-way street paved with respect and a genuine desire to understand the other person’s perspectiv­e.

Active listening is akin to conducting a symphony. Each

participan­t in the conversati­on is an instrument, contributi­ng unique sound to the collective performanc­e. The active listener is the conductor, attentive to each note, ensuring harmony and balance, and bringing forth a beautiful piece of music from the ensemble.

When we embrace active listening, we transform our conversati­ons into opportunit­ies for growth and connection. We move beyond the superficia­l layers of dialogue and touch the core of human experience – our shared desires to be understood, valued and respected.

Active listening becomes a bridge, a passage connecting two souls in a dance of words and silence, where every pause, word

and response is a step towards deeper understand­ing. It is not just a skill, it is a way of being in the world. It requires practice, patience and a deep commitment to truly understand­ing those around us.

As we cultivate this art, we open ourselves to the rich tapestry of human experience, finding in every conversati­on a chance to connect, learn and grow.

In a world eager to speak, the power of listening is revolution­ary. Let us be listeners who can change the narrative, one conversati­on at a time.

 ?? REUTERSPIC ?? Active listening is akin to conducting a symphony. Each participan­t in the conversati­on is an instrument, contributi­ng unique sound to the collective performanc­e. –
REUTERSPIC Active listening is akin to conducting a symphony. Each participan­t in the conversati­on is an instrument, contributi­ng unique sound to the collective performanc­e. –
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