Malta Independent

The two Libyan embassies in Malta in talks over a possible merger

- Kevin Schembri Orland

The two Libyan embassies in Malta are in talks to merge into a single embassy, Tripoli Chargé D’affaires Hussein Musrati told The Malta Independen­t on Sunday.

“We are in talks, and we might have an answer next week,” he said. “I am speaking with Al-Amin (Tobruk Chargé D‘affaires Al Habib Al-Amin) and when talks end we will hold a press conference”.

Mr Musrati said that, should the two merge, the post will remain that of a Chargé D’affaires for now, rather than an ambassador­ial one, adding that such a change would require a decision by the Libyan Congress. “We don’t know who the Chargé D’affaires will be, Mr Al-Amin or me. We are awaiting a decision from Libya.”

Libya’s UN-backed government will soon present a new Cabinet for approval by the internatio­nally-recognized Parliament based in the east of Libya, after lawmakers gave it a vote of no confidence.

In a Wednesday statement, the presidency council based in the capital, Tripoli and led by Fayez Serraj said it will present its list to the Tobruk-based House of Representa­tives, which had been seeking more representa­tion when it voted against the government on Monday.

Libya has been mired in conflict since the 2011 uprising that toppled and killed long-time dictator Muammar Gaddafi, with rival parliament­s and government­s emerging in the east and west, each backed by an array of militias and tribes.

In December, the UN struck a deal with the rival factions to create the unity government based in Tripoli.

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