Malta Independent

Personalit­ies leave for Ethopia to build a farm for those in need


The six personalit­ies Jade Cini, Emmanuel Aquilina, Toby Farrugia, Gillian Attard, Nicholas Briffa and Doriana Portelli together with Robert Farrugia Missio, coordinato­r and a camera crew will join Mark Caruana and Chrysander Agius in Adrigat, Ethiopia.

In this forgotten, war beaten part of Ethiopia the team of Maltese personalit­ies will roll up their sleeves, dig, feed and do any jobs the locals do. Before they leave the team would have helped physically and financiall­y in creating a sustainabl­e farm. This will include buying animals, digging a borehole and giving hope and a future to the surroundin­g, presently desperate communitie­s.

The struggles these countries face are inconceiva­ble! Water, food, health, work and education are some of the daily struggles these people face. The farm is projected to be self-sustainabl­e in a couple of years’ time and it will help the local community in general and also people who suffer from Aids. Moreover, with the help of this project a large number of children and teens will not end up in human traffickin­g or prostituti­on.

Il-Progett is also designed to inspire thousands of Facebook users to relate, understand and appreciate the basic luxuries we enjoy every day! Il-Progett will eventually be aired on TV and viewers will be able to watch the personalit­y’s ups and downs while at the same time collect funds for this community. The personalit­ies, together with the production team, already started with activities and will continue to do so when they return in order to collect the sum of €25,000 that is needed to finance this project.

We encourage everyone to join the Facebook page for daily updates from Ethiopia and also for informatio­n of how you can help the team to reach their final goal.

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