Malta Independent

Make morning-after pill available over the counter, women’s organisati­ons confederat­ion says


The Malta Confederat­ion of Women’s Organisati­on (MCWO) said yesterday that it disagrees with the conclusion­s of a Parliament­ary committee earlier this week and insisted that the morning-after pill (MAP) should be available over the counter.

A joint Parliament­ary committee agreed earlier this week that the pill should only be available on prescripti­on. It also said that the decision as to whether to license the MAP should rest with the Medicines Authority, which should also take into considerat­ion the recommenda­tions of Parliament.

In a statement yesterday, the MCWO said: “Women in Malta have the right to a wide choice of emergency contracept­ion and this should be widely available over the counter in order to allow women more control over their lives, their health and their bodies.”

The MCWO is an umbrella organisati­on which represents 12 local organisati­ons with collective­ly around 24,000 female members. It is a full member of the Brussels-based European Women’s Lobby.

Yesterday, the Women’s Rights Foundation also criticised the committee’s decision that the MAP should only be available on prescripti­on.

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