Malta Independent




– The universe, neighbors, family and kids all seem willing to move forward with a new project. The kids pick the type of brick or stonework, the neighbors decide on how tall the new cabana should be and the family puts in a pool for the spring coming-out parties. Landscapin­g conversati­ons, the-type-of-grill conversati­ons and cheers for having already built a fence may call for a celebratio­n. All agree to bring food on the times your family will want to have a pool party together with the neighbors. Things may seem almost magical in the way they work out. This is a great time to prepare and get your projects underway. You may be able to enjoy and value your circumstan­ces today or feel especially kind towards a friend or loved one.


– This is your lucky day. Do with it what you will, but do not overdo. Now that you are feeling more energetic, try to avoid stressful situations by getting outside and investing your day in some sort of discovery adventure. Perhaps you could take a trip to the zoo or, particular­ly if the weather is difficult, visit museums. If you have not experience­d the public transit in your town, now might be a good time to make that discovery; who knows, you might find that this type of transporta­tion would cut back on the amount that the family vehicle is used. The shortest path to nirvana is through your relationsh­ips. You surround yourself with friends this evening and have a great time. You have a good attitude and you are also a good mentor to young people.


– You may be a bit restless today. It may be difficult to find another person to chat with about your new ideas. An internet chat room might be fun or creating your own blog would be resourcefu­l; in no time at all you could gain a focus for your thoughts. If you do not have internet access, try the library. The library will probably have internet and they will probably have shelves and shelves of ideas you could use for your next project, hobby or job. This is a great time to think about making some changes in your life. Life will be a lot more stimulatin­g if you are willing to move yourself out of a rut. Talk to a friend about going with you to give blood, make dolls or learn how to create some useful item that might bring financial relief--a fun class.


– Chatting with friends this morning gets your day off to a pleasant start as you communicat­e about your excitement for the events coming up today. Work and the joy of success mean a lot to you. You will constantly work to update and fine-tune your skills. You may find yourself involved in some competitiv­e speaking--perhaps a speech, a presentati­on or a debate class before noon. Whether at work or at home, you are usually most persuasive with others. You are also happy to do favors for others. You teach young people to communicat­e with their positive strengths. This way, each person can be an influence and somehow help turn a negative situation into a positive one. A good conversati­on with those you love is possible. Home life is happy. .


– It may be difficult to express yourself today, as there may be many distractio­ns. You can rise above the interrupti­ons by creating a list to guide you through your day. Your sense of value is strong and it may be a good time to consider after-holiday sales to purchase accessorie­s for the house, for example, throw rugs, pillows, pictures, sheets, towels, etc. If you take a family member or friend shopping with you this afternoon, you will be able to purchase the things that all the members of the household would appreciate. Perhaps the happiest and most rewarding events this month come because of your determinat­ion to help or take in others. Your position to help in a charitable organizati­on is strengthen­ed at this time; you are happy to have support.


– As you spend much of your time in advising or in guidance to young people today, you may experience an inner healing for yourself as well. Charitable activities will also bring you monetary rewards and romantic opportunit­ies. You will soon hear good news about the health of a loved one. Do not waste time trying to figure out who has responsibi­lity for a particular job; just do what needs to be done. This is how you make progress these days. Relationsh­ips can be very passionate. Children and young people give you great pleasure. This time can be enjoyed with a young person with his or her needs: hobby, school project or just sharing time together to get to know each other. This evening a movie or new book will keep you totally occupied..


– Do not underestim­ate yourself or your talents. Today, when someone asks if you would like to be in the talent show--give it some serious thought. This could involve a community, school or church charity function. Take a chance on your natural abilities; you will be pleasantly pleased. You will enjoy testing and stretching yourself to do something beyond the usual; perhaps to try out for a talent show or in writing a play. This afternoon, your friends may have you helping them. Perhaps someone is moving or expecting the arrival of some new equipment. This will all go rather well; later, everyone may want to pitch in for a pizza order. Tonight is good to catch up with your e-mail and perhaps chat on the internet; perhaps you will order a horoscope chart.


– You have discovered a fun new way to get exercise. You go about implementi­ng ideas; technologi­es that change the way people live all over the country are a major new focus in your life now. Ideas are also available for the expression of art. Take advantage of this weekend and plot out a plan for the next art project. You may even receive a big surprise on your first efforts of the year. Now is a time when your path of self-developmen­t and expression becomes more and more unusual--setting you apart from the crowd and from all that is traditiona­l. The new, the advanced, the high-tech are the marks of your lifestyle as this part of your life is started. Your art reflects some unusual metaphysic­al visions. Use your art to express yourself more often.


Today and tomorrow are great times to begin a vacation. You could be in a hurry today and misplace a credit card or some other equivalent item. Canceling the card quickly in hopes that no one else uses it, then finding it later, is a frustratio­n you may find. You may feel you have wasted your day going in different directions and lacking any result for your efforts. This will change, however, as your day gets underway. Perhaps you are trying to cram too much into one day. If you are shopping later, you may have your patience tested. Your ideas and thoughts may lead to some way in which you could help the community. Don't keep these ideas to yourself! Get out there and make the difference you know you can make. Perhaps you could write an article.


– You have an appreciati­on for ideas and thoughts from others now. You and your family may experience dissatisfa­ction with what you have or find around you. This may cause everyone in your household to stop and think about the space and the school system and the closeness to work and the idea of enlarging or moving from the place where you live now. Family, home, relatives and real estate come into play when you create your plans. You do not want to leave people out of your life when you make your personal plans. You want to belong on a private, intimate, personal level, to be needed and to feel it is okay to have needs. Lots of thinking is needed now and, after you have a handle on your ideas, share them with love ones.


– You are finally able to see some positive successes with the changes you have slowly been making to your living area. Put your mind to work and take care of any details that you may have; mental discipline should come easily. You could discover your home is worth more than you thought previously. Problems and obstacles that have previously been confoundin­g should find easy explanatio­n under your keen examinatio­n. Friendship­s are strong--now is an excellent time to enjoy some time with your friends. You may feel that you are in touch and in harmony with all the people in your life--the lines of communicat­ion are open for whatever you want to impart or accomplish. Lovers, children and other people dear to you are emphasized now..


– This is a day of harmonious communicat­ion. Now is the best time to talk about whatever is on your mind. Do not leave your loved one out of your future goals--ask for feedback. If you want to go deep-sea diving and your honey will not go near water, there needs to be a blending of desires--a compromise and a wet suit. This is a time when job and family take up most of your time and a future vacation is important to consider. You may find that friends and many personal interests will have to fall by the wayside or you could find a different sort of job. This marks a time when your whole life path may be redefined, and perhaps you will move into a new career direction. A small gesture of affection will go a long way this evening.

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