Malta Independent



– LEO 23 JUL 22 AUG You may see value in or feel respect for an older person or someone in authority. If your career progress has not been up to par, you may do a little self-talk to encourage yourself to become more deliberate and better organized at your position. It may be a good idea to have a conference with a higher-up in order to discover ways in which you might improve your work. There may be a class you can take that would help you to learn some techniques to help you better your work progress. Learning a new skill may be what is either slowing you down or helping you to move forward– all is good. You are a friendly person and enjoy adding to your friendship circle. Your co-worker friends can be helpful in allowing you to observe their work techniques.

– VIRGO 23 AUG 22 SEP You are brave to deal with people that seem to be consumed by frustratio­ns but your preference is to be successful in finding the thing that will satisfy the complainer. You statistica­lly come out ahead when it comes to wins regarding a satisfied customer. When you are privy to a new job identity you might decide more income is better. You will have the opportunit­y to improve, advance and grow. This afternoon there may be a doll exhibit or some special fun activity you will want to treat yourself to–take pictures. You fill your time away from work in wise and positive ways. You may find that some of your nature pictures placed around your little work space will bring many smiles to your heart while you talk to the complainan­t.

– LIBRA 23 SEP 22 OCT In a profession­al meeting where everyone is invited to talk, you may be the one that keeps the time for each entry. This could be medical, legal, trucking or any sort of businesses that depends on order, timing and scheduling. You are part of the process to help business flow smoothly. This process keeps subjects moving. If a subject needs more attention there will be higherups to make the decision regarding the order of importance. New insight and new changes happen week to week and no matter what really happens in your place of business, you can see how importantl­y each individual employee contribute­s to the company. You may become quite proud of a new way to look at a job you thought might not be too important–it is not just a job.

– SCORPIO 23 OCT 21 NOV You are held to your promises this day. In the future, be very careful what you promise. You will find this a great time to get much work accomplish­ed, particular­ly if you are on some planning committee. Details have been decided and a signature completes the work. During lunch you may enjoy some time to yourself in the out-of-doors. A little sun and a little fresh air make the afternoon run much smoother. This afternoon you buckle down and get some projects that were previously unfinished finally finished. You and your friends may be planning a camping trip soon. You may decide to call a nearby lake or resort area to see what dates are available during the time you and your friends want to take some vacation time.

SAGITTARIU­S 22 NOV – 21 DEC Your comprehens­ion of issues is broadened this day. An article or the viewpoint of someone near you helps you to adopt more tolerance of dissenting views–a new viewpoint perhaps. Communicat­ing and getting your message across to others is at a high and you enjoy the opportunit­y to expand your knowledge. Someone in your office makes extra money with a hobby and you might think over what you might be able to do in order to make extra money. This is a time where you will enjoy good relations with family members. You have a natural sense for communicat­ing with others, especially those younger than yourself. Perhaps some of your young friends will help you with a garden this year.

CAPRICORN 22 DEC – 19 JAN There are some long-range and long-distance matters in business this month that may grab your attention, particular­ly today. There may be a choice of who drives a car to a destinatio­n or who will fly in a plane. There are new opportunit­ies coming your way that will help you decide your next profession or investment. An adventure is about to bring you some good insight. You are able to sit back and see things from a different perspectiv­e. At your noon break, an impromptu get-together with a few co-workers may be fun and a good way to release some anxiety. Plans with friends can be made for after the workday. A movie, a book review and other ways to become involved with your friends prove to be an enjoyable this afternoon and evening.

AQUARIUS 20 JAN – 18 FEB You may set out to accomplish certain things today, but find that interrupti­ons easily occur. If you cannot avoid the distractio­ns, see them as ways to relax and observe. There is a new flow of business causing the flow of work to move a little more efficientl­y. Exercise care for a few more days with regard to excessive spending. Special sales and advertisin­g can keep you a bit frustrated. However, you may be a bit too busy to be shopping at this time. A fairly new member of your workgroup may need some help. New neighbors announce themselves. You may find a great opportunit­y to do some sort of trade with them that will continue to work out very well in the future. Close personal ties to the young people in your life may create good opportunit­ies.

PISCES 19 FEB – 20 MAR Camping, fishing, hiking and other outdoor activities fill your thoughts this morning. You may plan to visit with someone after work that has your like interests and will camp with you. Work moves along easily and you may want to help with a few additional chores around the break room or bathrooms to clear away old food or trash–pictures may show higher-ups that someone needs to have a conversati­on with the cleaning staff. Being successful in life is becoming easier and easier–you have a built-in sense of how to approach and unravel even difficult situations. You also seem to have taken on that can-do attitude. The fun part of your day begins as you take pride in your accomplish­ments, close your office door and begin your camp plans with friends.

 ??  ?? ARIES 21 MAR – 19 APR Progress is made in the workplace before the noon break comes. You may find yourself talkative and quick-witted during your break. Ideas are clear and easy to come by. There are times you may be thinking over your own plans. The...
ARIES 21 MAR – 19 APR Progress is made in the workplace before the noon break comes. You may find yourself talkative and quick-witted during your break. Ideas are clear and easy to come by. There are times you may be thinking over your own plans. The...
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