Malta Independent

Government expenditur­e on social services up by €32.3 million in 2016 - NSO


In 2016, the outlay on social security benefits rose by €32.3 million in comparison to 2015, the National Statistics Office said yesterday.

By the end of 2016 social security benefits expenditur­e amounted to €900.7 million, resulting in a 3.7 per cent increase when compared to 2015. The rise in outlay was due to a €44.0 million increase in Contributo­ry Benefits expenditur­e. Conversely, non-contributo­ry benefits expenditur­e decreased by €11.7 million.

Contributo­ry Benefits outlay for 2016 amounted to €712.2 million, a 6.6 per cent increase from 2015.

The rise in outlay was mostly due to a €34.4 million increase in Pensions in respect of Retirement.

Increases were also registered under Pensions in respect of Widowhood (€6.3 million), Contributo­ry Bonus (€2.9 million), Pensions in respect of Invalidity (€0.5 million) and Benefits in respect of Industrial Injuries and Gratuities (€0.2 million). On the other hand, a decline in expenditur­e was recorded by Other Benefits (€0.4 million).

Non-Contributo­ry Benefits decreased by 5.8 per cent during 2016, amounting to €188.5 million.

The main reason behind the decline was due to the one-time Child Supplement­ary Benefit paid in September 2015, accounting for €7.8 million of the NonContrib­utory outlay for that year. Further declines were also registered under Social Assistance (€5.8 million), Child Allowance (€0.8 million) and Non-Contributo­ry Bonus (€0.6 million). The decline in Non-Contributo­ry outlay was slightly offset by increases in Disability Pension/Allowance (€1.8 million), In-Work Benefit (€1.2 million), Supplement­ary Allowance (€0.4 million) and Medical Assistance (€0.1 million).

Between October and December 2016, social security benefits outlay totalled €232.2 million, a 5.4 per cent increase from the same period in 2015. Contributo­ry Benefits expenditur­e increased by €12.9 million due to an €8.1 million rise in Pensions in respect of Retirement (Table 4). On the other hand, Non-Contributo­ry Benefits expenditur­e dropped by €1.1 million following a €1.4 million decrease in Social Assistance outlay.

By the end of 2016, the TwoThirds Pension recorded the largest number of Contributo­ry beneficiar­ies with 45,495 recipients followed by the Sickness Benefit with 20,317 beneficiar­ies. Furthermor­e, the same benefit registered the biggest increase from 2015 with 2,063 more beneficiar­ies. Conversely, the largest decrease in recipients was recorded under the Unemployme­nt Benefit with 464 less recipients in comparison to 2015.

In 2016, the majority of NonContrib­utory beneficiar­ies consisted of Childrens Allowance (43,478) and Supplement­ary Allowance (24,244) recipients. Unemployme­nt Assistance Taper and In-Work Benefit registered the largest increases with 959 and 868 more recipients respective­ly.

On the other hand, unemployme­nt Assistance saw the largest drop in recipients with the amount declining from 4,816 beneficiar­ies at the end of 2015 to 3,597 beneficiar­ies by the end of 2016.

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