Malta Independent

MITA involved in the simplifica­tion of ARPA’s IT processes

- Doris Micallef Doris Micallef, MITA Consultant in the Programme Management Department

The Office of the Chief Informatio­n Officer within the Ministry for Sustainabl­e Developmen­t, the Environmen­t and Climate Change works with MITA in the management of the informatio­n systems that are used within the Agricultur­e Directorat­e and the Agricultur­e and Rural Payments Agency (ARPA).

ARPA and the Agricultur­e Directorat­e aim to assist the local farmers and breeders to produce fresh products of the highest quality. The Agricultur­e Directorat­e also aims to promote the introducti­on of improved methods of production in agricultur­e, horticultu­re and animal products, with special emphasis on the protection of the health of both the producer and the consumer and the safeguardi­ng of the rural environmen­t.

The core module of this system is the Land Parcel Identifica­tion System (LPIS). The system contains all agricultur­al areas, registered at the Front Office, that may be eligible for a land based measure under the Common Agricultur­al Policy. It is used to crosscheck the parcels for which payments have been claimed by the farmer eligible for EU aid. MITA was responsibl­e for the determinat­ion, analysis and implementa­tion of business requiremen­ts throughout ARPA’s IT systems, simplifyin­g the process and improving upon accountabi­lity and transparen­cy.

ARPA’s IT systems provide a holistic management of all aspects of the payment claim lifecycle, from the initial applicatio­n process to the issuance of the payment files. Some of the characteri­stics of the ARPA’s system are: • Based on web enabled technologi­es - to support both internal staff and external beneficiar­ies; Informatio­n is submitted only once; User Management and responsibi­lity; Supports staff from delegated bodies. The solution received positive remarks from past EU and other audits since: • It is a single system point of reference for applicatio­ns containing informatio­n spanning multiple fund allocation campaigns; Business users can retrieve informatio­n on demand as needed; The solution supports the use of mobile devices (Laptops and GPS), for business processes and enhancing contact with the beneficiar­ies; Provides support for all aid measures implemente­d at the Agricultur­e and Rural Payments Agency; Has inbuilt accountanc­y and audit ability features; It reduces systems maintenanc­e by affecting changes centrally. During the years, the informatio­n related to the farming community is being used by the Agricultur­e Directorat­e to help in the promotion of farming practices that enable better farm-produce production and safeguardi­ng the rural environmen­t. An example is the protection of groundwate­r from nitrate contaminat­ion specifical­ly from agricultur­al sources. The solution enables the Agricultur­e Directorat­e to manage its EU obligation­s in relation to the Nitrates Directive. It also offers the services of a one-stop shop for the farming community from the Pitkali Markets at Ta’ Qali to provide each customer with a highqualit­y response, ensuring that requests and complaints are dealt with quickly, fairly and in a helpful manner.

ARPA has just launched, in March, its annual applicatio­n campaign for the land based applicatio­ns that receive EU aid. The farming community must apply for the European Agricultur­al Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and European Agricultur­al Fund for Rural Developmen­t (EAFRD) funds by 15th May. This year there are around 6,900 farmers and livestock breeders that are eligible for receiving EU aid. A prefilled applicatio­n has been issued to every eligible beneficiar­y. The farmers and livestock breeders have a portal that will enable them to confirm their applicatio­n through a few clicks. For the 6,900 farmers, it is estimated that 18,600 applicatio­ns will be submitted under different schemes that are being launched this year. €3,300,000 from EAFRD funds and €4,700,000 from the EAGF funds are available for the qualifying applicatio­ns.

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