Malta Independent

France's Macron: Fighting terrorism abroad is top priority


French President Emmanuel Macron has made the fight against "Islamic terrorism" in Syria and Iraq the top priority in his foreign policy agenda. Speaking Tuesday to French diplomats gathered at the Elysee Palace in Paris, Macron called the Islamic State group "our enemy." "Restoring peace and stability — Iraq then Syria — is vital priority for France," he said. He proposed creating a new contact group including the other permanent members of the U.N. Security Council to help handle negotiatio­ns with Syria. He didn't give more details about the exact role and compositio­n of this group, saying the main players of the Syrian crisis would be involved. The group will first meet at the United Nations in New York next month. Macron also announced the organizati­on in Paris of an internatio­nal summit "against the financing of terrorism" at the beginning of next year. In Libya, a key country in Africa's unstable Sahel region, Macron said only a political process will help "eradicatin­g terrorists." He vowed to help Libya's neighbors, especially Tunisia, to protect those nations against the risk of destabiliz­ation. On French territory, Macron confirmed that he plans to lift a state of emergency that has been in place since deadly November 2015 attacks by Islamic extremists in Paris. At the same time, he pledged to harden permanent security measures to fight Islamic extremism and other threats. The state of emergency expires Nov. 1. Macron recalled France's commitment toward the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers — an agreement President Donald Trump has threatened to pull the U.S. out of. "There's no alternativ­e" to this deal, Macron said, calling for a "constructi­ve and demanding" relationsh­ip with Iran. The French president praised a new European-African plan to grant asylum to migrants in Chad and Niger before they try dangerous, illegal sea crossings, calling it "more human and more effective" than any policies tried in the past. He insisted that taking in refugees "is a question of dignity and loyalty to what we are," but stressed the importance of sending home illegal migrants who don't qualify for asylum. Macron announced he is naming a new ambassador to oversee migration issues and said his government would step up European-African cooperatio­n efforts to stop migrant smuggling.

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